More than a game chapter 14

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Hey guys this chapter was very fun to write hope you enjoy it!

After Class Adam, Eli and Clare walked out of English class, Adam was ready for Lunch. The trio walked over's to their lockers and saw that Fiona was leaning on Adam lockers waiting for him." Hey Adam ready for lunch?" she was smiling.

"Yeah let me put my stuff away!"

Adam unlocks his lock and opens his locker. He placed his Advance English textbook away and took out his biology textbook. He closed his locker and saw that Fiona and Clare were already ahead locking their elbows together and was giggling. Eli was leaning against his locker waiting for Adam. "C'mon let go!"

Adam and Eli walked inside the cafeteria and saw Fiona and Clare already was eating their food and was still giggling, the boys got their food and walked over to the girls. "Thanks for leaving us guys!" complain Eli as he slide next to Clare.

The girls rolled their eyes. And soon Fiona and Adam were having their own conversation; Adam had just told Fiona a joke and Fiona was giggling. "Hey guys mind if I join you?" Adam closed his eyes as he heard voice; he silently beg that he was just hearing things but as he open his eyes, he saw Drew sitting on Fiona other side and was now flirting with her. Adam took deep breath and was trying to enjoy his food but he felt sick to his stomach as he heard Fiona and Drew laughing together. Adam had enough of it; he pushed his tray away and got up and left.

Fiona smile as Drew was telling her a joke. His wasn't funny as Adam jokes but still though it was a little funny. She had to admit Drew was cute but she didn't get those butterflies in her stomach when Drew smiled or blush when Drew said something smooth. Adam gave her butterflies in her stomach and made her blush more time than all those guys she went out put together. Fiona thought disappear when she felt Drew shake her lightly.

"I'm sorry I was lost in my though what did you say?"

"I wanted to ask you if you want to grab a bite at the dot after my practice."

"Drew just asks me out!" That brought her back to her though about Adam. It only been Two days since she had meet Adam but with Adam it felt like she had known him for years, he know how to make her smile or blushed, his smiled make her heart melt. But there's only one problem, in those two days Fiona had try to make Adam notice her. But no success. "Maybe if I say yes Adam will notice me!"

"I would like that!" Drew smiled as he heard Fiona say yes.

The bell rang and everyone was getting up ready for their next class. Drew had offered to walk Fiona to her next class which she gladly accept his arm. And they walked away leaving Eli and Clare confused.

"I can't believe this 30 minutes ago she was telling me how she had a big crush on Adam, and then she started to flirt with Drew his own brother in front of his face." Said Clare as Eli and she walked out of the cafeteria; Eli swings an arm around her neck.

"Look babe it let's not worry about it pretty soon she will see the real Drew" Said Eli rubbing her back. Clare nodded and Eli walked her to French. Eli knew that Clare was still worrying about Adam. "I'll talk to Adam and you'll talk to Fiona and try to figure out what's going on!" said Eli; Clare nodded and kiss Eli before entering her classroom, Eli took his time to get to class since he had a doctor note, that let Eli arrive late to all his class without getting in trouble.

After the bell rang Clare rushed out of her classroom, determine to find Fiona. She walked over to Fiona locker hoping to find her but Clare wasn't lucky. Clare searches Fiona everywhere till she fined her in the library reading.

"Fiona hey Can we talk?"

Fiona look up from her book and smiled when she say it was Clare." Hey Clare sit down." She said placing her book aside. Clare sat down and was looking nervously. "Is there anything wrong Clare?" Fiona asked.

"I wanted to ask you why you said yes to Drew when he asks you out if you had told me you like Adam." Clare asked quickly.

"Clare I'm sorry but it's really none of your business." Said Fiona

"Look Fiona Adam is my friend and he likes you a lot!" Said Clare; Clare was trying her best to calm down. How dare Fiona saying it wasn't none of my business, she was messing with one of my best friend mind.

"He has a funny way to show it!" said Fiona. She grabs the bag and got up from her seat and disappears to the rows of aisle. Clare got up and follow went to each aisle trying to find Fiona. She found Fiona at the Mystery section sitting on the floor, crying.

"Clare please leaves me alone!" said Fiona

"Not until you tell me what's wrong with you!" said Clare; she was getting tired of Fiona games.

"I am scare okay!" Said Fiona" every since Bobby abs…" Fiona closed her mouth as soon she notice that she almost slip out one of her secret. More tears were pouring in her face as she thought of Bobby.

Clare sat down next to Fiona and wrapped an arm around Fiona as Fiona laid her head on Clare shoulder. She Fiona closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She knew she had to tell the truth to Clare since she already said Bobby names.

"Fiona who was Bobby?" asked Clare

"He was ex's. He used to abuse me! Fiona trembles as she spoke.

Clare hugs Fiona tightly." I am so sorry Fiona."

"I do like Adam a lot, and I only agree to go out with Drew because I thought Adam didn't notice me!" Clare rubs Fiona back. She didn't care that Fiona tears were wetting her shoulder.

"Dudes guess who got a date with Fiona Coyne!" Announce Drew as he slips his jersey on! Adam tightly tied his shoes as he heard cheering from behind him. "Dude now she is hot!" said KC Guthrie say as he high five Drew. Adam couldn't take this no more he wish Eli was standing by his side, making sure that Adam didn't do nothing stupid. But Adam angered got the best of him; he got up from the bench and pushed Drew against the lockers. He grabs a hold of Drew jersey.

"How dare you! Fiona isn't a prized, she is a human being." Said Adam; Drew got release Adam hand from his jersey and push Adam to the floor, Adam quickly got up and tackle Drew, but drew being stronger rolled over and now he was on top of Adam, He punch Adam in the mouth. Drew threw another punch but this time Adam blocked it, Adam took this chance and head bund Drew. Drew fell the floor, his vision was getting blurry. Adam was up to his feet he was about to charge at Drew again but he felt someone holding him back.

"Adam what the hell" Eli whisper.

"Eli he was talking about Fiona. And I didn't like it!" said Adam; Adam and Eli look at Drew direction and saw that KC Guthrie was helping Drew up, Drew pushed KC hands away and went charging to Adam direction but KC was holding Drew hand behind him. "You little son of a bitch" Drew snarled

"What the hell is going on?" Coach Johnson said as he walked inside the locker room. He saw Adam bloody lip and Drew black eyes. His eyes were filled with angered.

Hey guys here is chapter 14, please review



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