More than a game chapter 15

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The Torres brothers were sitting at the comfy armchair, neither had spoken at the last five minute, but nor had nothing to say to each other. The soon heard the door swung open, Coach Johnson walked over to his desk anger filled his eyes; He sat down and fold his hands together. He watched his two football player's slowly trying to read their reaction. He took a deep breath and spoke;

"What happen?" he said trying to keep calm.

"He started it" they both said at the same time, the two boys look at each other and then slung back to their seats. Coach Johnson rubs his temple. He looks at the boys again." You know if it wasn't for this week football game, you two would have been kick out of the team by now!"

Both boys stood quiet. Coach Johnson continued." If you guys fight more time you will be kick out of the team! Do I make myself clear?

"Yes sir" Both boys mumble. Their head were hanging low.

"Good. Both of you will have no practice today! You may leave."

The Torres boys stood up and walked out of the doors. They made their ways out of the building without neither speaking nor looking at each other. They spotted their mom red van. They got in the car and drove off. They didn't dare to tell their mom the truth when she was asking Drew about his black eyes or Adam bloody lips. When they parked at their driveway Adam jumped out of the car and ran to his room. He threw his bag on the floor and Adam jumped to his bed.

Adam heard Drew voice from his room. He could tell that Drew was talking on the phone; Adam had no choice but to listen since their room was next to each other and the wall were thin.

"Hey Fiona I was wondering if you wanted to meet up at the dot in 10?"

Adam hides his face on behind his pillow. He can feel all his anger coming back; he heard Drew laughing. Oh how he wish it was him that was talking to Fiona.

"Great see you soon!"

Adam sighs. If only Drew could see all the jealously, all the hate he have for his brother now. He should be used to this feeling since Drew always gets everything Adam wants. But for the first time Adam felt like he could had finally have something that he can call his and only his. Adam fell asleep since he didn't want to feel Drew excited vibe as he got ready for his date with Fiona.

Ring, Ring, Ring….

Adam slam his fist to his alarm clock, he think that he just broke his alarm clock, but at this moment he didn't care. He forced himself off the bed. He felt like a zombie as he pick up his clothes and made his way to the bathroom, he took a quick shower and got dressed. He washed his teeth and walked out of the bathroom, he didn't bother to fix his haired. He walked downstairs where he found his mom at the kitchen.

"Where is Andrew?" Asked Adam, as he sits down at the table; honestly he didn't care where is Drew he just wants to make it seem that Adam and Drew made up, just for his mother sake at least.

"He had to leave early. Football practice I assume?" Said Mrs. Torres

"Mom can you drop me off to school please?" said Adam as he got up and grab an apple from the basket that stood on the kitchen counter.

Mrs. Torres got up and they walked out of the house and drove off. Adam meets up with Eli and Clare at their locker snuggling. Adam groaned and opens his locker.

"Is everything okay bro?" asked Eli over Clare shoulder.

Adam didn't reply but he saw something at the corner of his eye that made him turned around. Drew and Fiona were walking at the hall together but that wasn't the worst part. They were holding hands. At this moment he knew that his nightmares were coming true and there were nothing that he can do. Adam quickly grabs the material he need and closed his locker and walked away without telling Eli and Clare. Adam decided to get to class early, he was the first one to arrive at the classroom, the teacher smile at him and he took his seat. Adam put his head done and waited until the class had begun. He lifts his head as he saw students rushing inside the class. Adam had tried to pay attention but the mental image of Drew kissing Fiona had made it hard for him to listen in class. When the bell rang Adam walked over to the computer lab, where he found Ms. Oh on her laptop. He took a seat on the last row, and waited till the bell rang.

"Today everyone will be making a Power point a country of your c…."

The door open and everyone include Ms. Oh look as Fiona came in with a small smile. She walked over to Ms. Oh and hand her the yellow paper.

"Students this is Fiona Coyne and she will be joining us!" announced Ms. Oh.

Adam groaned and silently pray that Fiona didn't choose the empty seat that was next to Adam, he sighs in relief when Fiona choose a seat next to Josh Harris.

"Okay like I was saying, you will do a power point of a country of your choice, don't forget to be creative and have fun! Now you will have the rest of the period to work on you power point"

Adam had decide to do a power point on Kenya, since Clare had told him a lot of fascinated stuff

About Kenya; He had already done three slides and now he was on the web looking for a picture of the flag. He was saying the picture he had chosen when another window had open indicating that he had just receive a message.

Adam why are you ignoring me? I thought he had fun yesterday?

Adam closed the window and continued working on his power point. When the bell rang he dashed out of the computer room, he continued the rest of his day feeling like a zombie, and the mental image of Drew and Fiona Kissing stuck on his head.

After he got out of his last class, Adam was stopped by a couple of his teammates. "Hey Torres we're going to get revenge on Barnwell tonight are you in?" asked Finnegan. Adam needed something to get Fiona out of his mind. And this will defiantly would help him. "Yeah I'm in. Is Drew going to be there?"

"No. he's too busy with Fiona. C'mon!"

Eli looks at his watch. He had been waiting for Adam, Even though that Coach Johnson had cancel today practice, Adam and Eli had agree to practice to be prepared for the game tomorrow. Eli had been waiting for five minutes. He took off his phone and sends a quick text asking where he is. He felt his phone private and read the message;

"Sorry I have to take care of some stuff. I text you later."

Eli had a bad feeling as he reread the text. He walked over to Morty and drove off. His first stop was The Torres resident. He knocks on the door. And Drew opened. "Hey Eli. If you're looking for Adam he isn't here."

Running back to Morty Eli racked his brain for an idea of where Adam could have gone to.

Adam was squish between Oliver bean and Sean Jacobs, while David Granger and Finnegan sat in the front.

"Hey Finnegan what are we going to do to them?"

They had been driving for half an hour, now they were arriving to a fancy neighborhood. The houses were two story houses with fancy cars in their parkway. "We're going to destroy their cars. Said Finnegan, as he parked on a little corner, they all got out of the car, and went over to the trunk. Finnegan soon took out five brand new baseball bats. He passed one to each of them. And they all started to walk. They walked for a few blocks until they stop at a two story white house with a Red truck parked outside the parkway. They all tip toed toward the car and they all position themselves to a window.

"Okay on the count of 3!" Announced Finnegan; they all nodded. "1, 2, 3" Little pieces of the glass fell to the floor, after all the window was shattered they turned to the car, and started to smash the car. They heard the door open and saw a blond guy standing on the doorway;

"What the hell." He yelled. "Guys come out."

The guys soon saw four different teenage boys coming out the house. A fight started. Finnegan was blocking punches from a brown haired dude. He block the punch once again and grab the wrist, he turned his attention to Adam, who was standing there scared shitless.

"Adam run! We'll take care of it!"

Adam drops his bat and started to run as fast as he could. He climbed on wooded fence and jumped off. He saw the car. His leg started to grow tired but he ignores it as he continued to run. He stopped in front of the car seat and tries to open the door. Shit! The car is jammed.

He pulled the door harder, but nothing. But before he took another shot on trying to open the door he felt a stabbing pain on his back. He felt on his knee and he look up. He saw the blond guy holding a bloody knife and he fell to the concrete ground.

Hey guys hope you like this one plz review

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