More than a game chaptet 9

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Eli shirt was now cover with tears drop stain; the doctor must had told the nurse not bother Eli as they never had come to check up on them. Eli just stood there looking up at the white wall. The door to his room was opened and Both of Eli's parent and Clare walked inside. Bullfrog was holding a fold cloth, while CeCe and Clare brought colorful balloons that said 'feel better'. The three of them took a seat by Eli bed.

"We heard the bad news kid! Said Bullfrog. "But just because you are upset doesn't mean you the right to snapped at the doctor"

Eli didn't speak nor broke his eyes contact from the wall.

"We brought you something baby boy!" said CeCe. She got up and took the fold cloth from her husband; Cece and Clare unfold the cloth and Spread it apart. Eli still didn't break his eyes contact but he caught a glimpse of the cloth. The Degrassi log was at the centered of the cloth and above the logo was written in big blue bold letter 'feel better # 8' and rest of the cloth space was filled with different kind of signature. Clare and CeCe took some tape and placed the cloth on the wall that Eli was looking at every since their arrival.

"What do you think Eli?" asked Clare as she sat at the end of the bed and wrapped her tiny hands around Eli big hands.

Fresh new tears slide down his cheek as Eli looked at Clare and his parent." I didn't mean to snap at the doctor, I was just frustrated that I won't be able to play for the rest of the season." He said softly. "I just wanted play football."

Clare hugs Eli; Eli wrapped his arm around her waist as Eli cry quietly in Clare shoulder. CeCe and Bullfrog joined in the hug.

Eli had stay at the hospital for the remainder of the week; By Friday morning he was release from the hospital, but they send him home with crunches. Bullfrog had help Eli up to the stairs and help him lay down on his bed without hurting himself. Eli didn't do much since he wasn't able to get up; he had listen to his iPod most of the day till his iPod turned off completely dead. He decides to take a nap. He slowly closed his eyes was drift to sleep.

He was shaken awake. He opened his eyes to see Coach Johnson smiling down at him." How are you feeling Goldsworthy? I heard the bad news" he said as he takes a seat on my computer chair.

Eli just shrugged; honestly he didn't know what to say! He want to say he was fine when he was really wasn't. "I feel better. But I bummed that I won't be able to finish the rest of the season."

"Yes it is a big bummer. I admit it was a pleasure to watch you play Goldsworthy. But now I would probably have to do a try out for a Quarterback since you are injury and Henderson moved away three weeks ago. "Eli nodded. Coach Johnson looks at his watch and got up from the chair.

"I'm sorry Goldsworthy but I must leave now if I want to make it on time for practice." He went over to Eli bed and extended his hand and Eli shook it; Coach Johnson walked to the door. He turned the knob and opens the door.

"Hey Coach!" Coach Johnson turned around.

"You will find a great Quarterback." Eli said smiling. Coach Johnson smiled and walked out of the room.

Eli has been in bed since Coach Johnson visit. Drew had kept Eli updated about Coach Johnson and his search for a new Quarterback but Drew had informed Eli that Coach so far no luck finding a Quarterback; It was Monday in the afternoon and the gang just got out of school and they decide to go to the park just to hang out; Eli and Clare sat on the bench while they watch Drew and Adam throwing the ball. Eli couldn't help but to notice that Adam had a good arm." Have you notice that Adam have a good arm. "Asked Eli

"Yeah who new!" replied Clare. "I wonder why he hasn't thought of trying out for the Quarterback position."

An idea pop in Eli's mind; Adam should try out for the Quarterback spot. "Why I didn't thought of it before!"

"Clare you're a genius! Exclaim Eli.

Before Clare could had open her mouth to talk Eli grabbed Clare face and kiss her, he slowly got up and walked over to Drew and Adam.

"Hey Adam can we talk?"

Hope you guys like this chapter. Please review

Love and peace


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