More than a game chapter 13

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Adam got up early. He was excited to see Fiona. He got off his bed and jumped into the shower. He stood in front of the mirror for five minute trying to figure out what should he do with his hair, keep it neat like he had always done, or do something different, maybe spike it like drew does? He shook his head and just started too messy up his hair. He looks at the mirror and nodded at his good work. His hair was messy from the front. He swaps cologne from Drew room and spray it all his body. He grabs his bag and made his way to school.

He smile when he saw Fiona sitting on the front step, he walked over to her. As soon she notices Adam walking toward her she quickly got up and gave Adam a big smile. "Hey Adam" She said blushing

"Hey you want to get some breakfast?" asked Adam

"Yeah sure!" she said

She bends down to get her bag, but since Adam was quicker he grab the bag in on swift move. He hand her the bag, she blushed when theirs fingertip touch. They both blushed.

"Um…are you ready to go?" Adam said still blushing.


Adam and Fiona walk up the stairs; Adam went and opens the door for Fiona. She thanks him and continued walking, trying to start small talks until they had reach the cafeteria. They both walked in the line and waited till their turn, once it they got there breakfast they found the first empty table.

"So Fiona tells me a bit about you!" said Adam as he cut his pancake in little pieces; Fiona froze she wasn't Expecting this. She didn't want him to find out all the crazy stuff she done in New York nor did she want him to find out about Bobby.

"Um….me and my brother came here last year, but we had to move to New York. I move back over here."

"Nice! I lived basically all my life "Said Adam.

"Not really I…."

"Adam why the hell did you left early?"

Adam curse under his breath, Why did drew always got to come at bad timing? Adam saw Drew standing in front of their table. He was clad in his uniform. Adam took a deep breath.

"I left early to meet up with a friend Andrew!" Drew was about to speak but his darted at Fiona and gave her one of his flirty smile.

"Ooh no! Not again."

"Hi I am Adam older step brother. Drew! And what's your name beautiful?"

Fiona didn't get butterflies in her stomach the same way when Adam smile at her. She smile back and extended her hand." Fiona Coyne!"

"It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Coyne!" he grabs a hold of her hand and kisses it. Fiona removes her hand and nodded.

"The same to you Drew!" she looks at Adam and notice that he was beyond piss. Thankfully the bell rang she got up and grab her bag. She turned her attention to the Torres brother. And smile." It's was nice meeting you Drew! And Adam I'll see you at lunch!" said Fiona. Adam seems more interesting on his shoes. Fiona looks at Adam one more time, but notice that he wasn't going to say anything. She walked out of the cafeteria.

"Adam bro why didn't you tell me that you knew Fiona? She's like the hottest girl at degrassi!" Drew said sitting down on the chair that Fiona was sitting a few second ago.

Something snap inside of Adam as he heard Drew said "she's like the hottest girl at degrassi" he looks at his brother shook his head. He grabs his stuff and walked away.

Adam ruffles his hair as he continued walking, he heard footstep and somehow new it was Drew." Adam waits up!" Adam stop at his track, honestly he didn't know why. The last thing he wanted was to hear Drew talk about Fiona.

Drew hurried to Adam. "Adam why did you left?"

"I had to get to class early. Study for a test!" said Adam not meeting Drew eyes.

Drew nodded." Adam I wanted to ask you, do you think you can set me up with Fiona."

Without realizing what he did he nodded his head." Yeah no problem"

Drew smile and pat his brother back, and walked away to his first class. Adam went to the nearest locker room and started slamming his head onto. "Adam what wrong bro?" Eli said as he and Clare stood by Adam side.

"I agree to help Drew hook up with Fiona Coyne" said Adam not removing his head from the locker. Eli looks at Adam in deeply confuse.

"And what's wrong with that?"

"UGHH… Eli can be so dumb sometime!"

"He's mad about it because he likes Fiona as well"

"Ooh god this can't be good!" Eli exclaim.

Adam removes his head from the locker and look at Eli and Clare. He shook his head." No let the family rivalry began!" he said. He walked away leaving Eli and Clare looking at each other.

"You know he scare me sometime!'" Eli said. Clare laughs and grabs Eli hand.

"C'mon we can't be late for Class!"

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