Chapter Twenty|| It's alright

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My eyes snapped open as I came back to reality. I looked around to see I wasn't in my bedroom, or any bedroom for that matter. I has in the hospital. I then remembered what had happened. Zayn shot us.

Then another thought came. Harry.

I screamed loudly, trying to get someone's attention. It worked since a nurse came running in, asking me what was wrong.

"Nothing. I just want to know if Harry is alright."

"The boy you were with?" I nodded. She smiled sadly and for a moment I thought she would tell me that he didn't make it,

"The bullet hit some nerves so he has to learn everything again, but he's going to be alright. I let out a sigh of relief. Everything would be okay.

"You need to take some rest." The nurse told me. I nodded. She left the room and left me alone. I didn't get much rest before police officers pilled in asking questions.

"Do you remember what happened?" An officer asked. I nodded. "Can you tell us?"

"I'm not sure." I answered. The officer frowned a little.

"Not sure of what?"

"If Harry would want me to tell." The truth really. Maybe he wanted to keep the events to ourselves.

"Harry isn't stable enough to make these kind of decisions Jaiden." I nodded. He was right. So I told him what happened. But not exactly.

I told him I waited in the car while Harry went to see someone. I didn't know who it was. I found that it took long so I went to check out what was happening when I got shot.

I told them I never saw the guys face. But I did. It was Zayn.

As much as I hated Zayn, I wasn't going to tell. Something was telling me not to.

When the officers left, I was told to take some rest again. But it didn't take long for it to be interrupted again. But this time I didn't mind it.

"Jaiden?" A soft voice asked. My voice snapped up to see a small brunette. I smiled widely.

"Chloe!" I exclaimed. Finally, someone worth my time.

"I thought you were dead." She said, walking over to the chair next to my hospital bed. I shrugged. "No one died that day Chloe." She stared at me confused.

"Harry is alive?" I nodded.

"Yeah he is. The bullet just hit some nerves so he had to learn some things again. But he should be alright."

She let out a breath of relief.

I then frowned a little. "How did you know I was here? Did my mom tell you or something?"

She shook her head. "Zayn brought me here." I raised an eyebrow. "Zayn? The guy who shot us?" She nodded. "Why were you with him?"

"We're together now." Now, this was weird.

"What?" She shrugged, looking around the room a little. "It's complicated." She looked towards the room's door. I didn't know why and decided to ignore it.

"Well, the doctor said I could leave soon. So can Harry." I informed her. She smiled.

"Where is Harry going to live? He can't be alone anymore." I shrugged and told her I didn't know.

"He's going to come live with us for a while." Chloe and I both looked up at Zayn who stepped in the room.

Ew, not him.

I frowned. "Why? So you can succeed at killing him this time?" Zayn rolled his eyes, walking towards Chloe. He put a hand on her shoulder, squeezing it slightly.

"No." Was his simple answer. I wasn't sure if I should believe him or not. But I saw trust in Chloe's eyes and I knew it was worth the shot.

We could work things out and everything would be alright. We were going to have a happy ending.

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