Chapter five|| meet harry

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Harry POV'

I hate them. I so fucking hate them. I can't believe they made me wake up at 10 AM to talk 'buissnes'. I walked down the sidewalk, seeing the familier building coming into view. I walked in, going up the stairs to the third floor. Walking down the hall, I could smell the familier sent of weed, seeing some smoke coming out from under the door. I chuckled, shaking my head. I knocked on the door hearing someone yelling for me to come in. I opened the door, making the smoke hit me right in the face. I walked in, closing the door behind me and making my way to the living room to see my two best mates sitting on the couch, smoking.

"You should open a window or something." I smirk at the two boys.

"Shut up and sit down Styles." Zayn rolled his eyes at me while I sat down.

"So, why did you call me?" I asked, annoyed that they woke me up so early.

"Niall Horan." Louis answered, the simple name making our blood boil.

"What about him?" I spat, wanting to get this over with.

"He owes us money, to all of us." Zayn said, pointing to me and Louis. I stared at him, wanting to know what he wanted me to do.

"Your going to go get it Harry." Louis told me in a 'duh' tone. I rolled my eyes and nodded.

"Is that all?" They both nodded while I got up, sending them a nod. As I was going to walk out, I heard Louis call out my name. I turned around, wanting to know what he wanted.

"Are you coming to the towns hunted house with us?"

"Your kidding? Those things suck." And with that, I left for good. I had nothing to do today so I started my search for Niall. I just knew exactly where he was hiding. I walked down the towns roads, heading to my destination.

The closer I got, the more I knew he was there. I looked up to see an old building with a sign that said 'Bosom'. Bingo. I knew that the place closed years ago but I also knew that it was Niall's favorite hangout place. I went through the back door, it being the only opening, I ran up a flight of stairs.

As I went up, I started hearing some noise. Music to be exact. I could tell that it was from one of his old radios but I also heard the Irishman singing along to the radio. I finally arrived at the top of the stairs, taking a turn to the right to find a door. I could hear Niall from the other side of that door. I opened it quietly, only to find him dancing and singing in the middle of the room. Two years ago, I would have laughed at the sight, but not today.

I came up behind him grabing his shoulders and pushing him against the wall. I fisted his collar, bringing him above the floor.

"Well look at this." I smirked up to the blond boy, making him shiver.

"What do you want?" He asked, bearly above a whisper.

"I think you know exactly what I want!" I screamed, hitting his back on the wall.

"I don't have it, the kid has it." He rushed, moaning in pain.

"The kid?" I asked confused. I heard people talk about a kid that owes a lot of money to many people, but why would he have my money? He's just a kid.

"Yes, he was my partner when everything happened, hes the one who owes you the money." I could feel Niall shaking like a leaf under my grip.

"I need a name Niall, and where I could find him!" I pushed him deeper in the wall, if that was possible.

"He goes at the school at the end of the street. His name is Liam Payne!"

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