Chapter eighteen || hi mom

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Harry POV'




I blinked slowly as I woke up. I stretched out and looked at my surroundings. We were still in the parking lot but this time it wasnt empty. Many empty cars filled it with some people walking around them. A women stood by my door, bent down so her eyes were at the level of mine. She was frowning at me. I rolled down my window and stuck my head out to look up at the sun. The women crossed her arms. "Do you know what time it is young men?" She asked in a stern voice. Beside her stood a little blonde boy who smiled at me. I smiled back and waved at him.

"Actually no, I dont. I just woke up." I stated the obvious. I stretched the back of my neck and smiled at her, trying to be polite. Her frown stayed. "It is 8 in the morning. I think its time you bring the young lady back home, dont you think? Im sure her parents are worried sick!" She mentioned the the passenger seat. I looked and saw that Jaiden was starting to slowly wake up. She opened her eyes and looked at me and the women. I smiled and took her hand in mine. She also smiled and and sat up straight, hand still in mine. "Your parents should not let you go out like this. A boy of your age was killed just the other day." I froze at her statement. Jaiden didnt know Liam was dead. Also, the women obviously didnt know I was the one who did it.

Jaiden frowned. "Really?" She asked. I felt my hands get clammy and let go of her. The women nodded eagerly. "Yes. Liam payne. He was killed right outside his school. I cant believe what his parents are going through." It was silent for a moment. I was scared that Jaiden would say it out loud that I was the one who killed him. "Did you know him?" The women asked as she looked at Jaiden with pity. I looked at Jaiden too. My heart broke when I saw tears roll down her face. She nodded. "Im sorry." The women apologized.

"We have to go." I told the women and she nodded. I started the car and left before the women could answer. We stayed quiet for a while as I drove around town, thinking about all my problems. I need to find the money so I can run away with Jaiden. Live a good life with her. I just didnt know where to find that money yet.

"Say something." Jaiden whispered. I glanced at her, seeing she was staring at the road in front of us. "I didnt mean to Jaiden. Jealousy took the best of me and if I could go back, I would." She nodded and we went back in silence.


"I cant believe im about to do this." I exclaimed. Jaiden jumped slightly at my outburst. "About to do what?" She asked. I took a deep breath as I turned on a familiar street. I stopped in front of a big white house. The grass was a perfect green with a small colorful garden. Jaiden looked at the house in confusion. "Where are we?" She asked. I stared at the house a moment. I opened the door and stepped out, walking around the car to open the door for Jaiden. I opened her door and she stepped out. I closed the car door and started walking down the small path to the house with Jaiden.

"They should be eating breakfast at this time." I stated. Jaiden didnt seem to understand but didnt ask any questions. I knocked on the door three times and waited. It didnt take long before the door was opened by a black haired women. "Harry?" She asked. I smiled a little and nodded. "Hello mother." I greeted her. A small tear rolled down her cheek. I looked down at my feet awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

I used to be close to my family but left home when I was 16. Iv had a fight with my mother about me hanging out with Zayn and I decided to leave. I didnt know how to act with her anymore.

Her eyes darted behind me and stared. I looked behind me where Jaiden was standing with a small smile. "Mom, this is Jaiden." I pulled her forward a little so she wasn't hiding behind me anymore. Jaiden smiled and waved a little. More tears ran down my mothers cheek and she pulled us both in a hug. I didnt wrap my arms around her and Jaiden at first but did so when I felt Jaiden relax. We stayed like that for a moment, silent. Mom then pulled us inside and to the kitchen where we all sat. My mom sat on one side of the table while Jaiden and I sat on the other. The room was silent for a moment. Mother just stared at me with a giant smile.

"I cant believe my little boy came to see me!" She exclaimed. Jaiden smiled a little while I rolled my eyes. "Mom I need help." I stated. Her smile fell, like she knew what was going to come out of my mouth. She shook her head as her eyes started to water. "It was you." We all knew she was talking about how Liam was killed. I nodded. "He owed the boys and I a lot of money. But now hes dead because of me and I owe money now." My mom nodded. She got up and walked over to the fridge. She opened it and took out a white box. I knew she hid her money there. Growing up I knew my family had more money then others and people wanted it.

She walked back over to me and handed me the box. "Leave." She whispered. Jaiden looked confused but I nodded. My mom was disappointed in me once again. I was used to it so I left without a word.


"He kept money hidden there." Niall informed me over the the phone. I turned on Liams road. Niall had just told me where Liam hid all his money so I would go get it. Hes dead anyways. Its not like hes going to use it.

"Thanks." I hung up the phone and stopped in front of the big blue house. There wasnt any cars in the driveway so I knew no one was home. Jaiden had fell asleep again so I got out the car without a word. I walked to the backyard to go through the back door. Many people left the back door open which I always found stupid. Lucky me, Liams family was stupid so I was in with no trouble.

I walked up the stairs and to his room. I looked around and found his closet. I opened it and pushed the cloths aside. I then pushed the wall inside the closet. A part of the wall opened, like a little door. There, I found the money I needed. I quickly took it and ran out the house and to my car.

I counted the money. My money, moms money and Liams. All together, I had enough. I was going to live. I took a deep breath and turned to Jaiden. I smiles as I watched her sleep. We were going to live. We were going to form a family.

I took my phone out and dialed the familiar number. It rang twice when I heard his voice.

"Yeah?" Zayn asked.

"I have the money, meet me in the park in an hour."

A/N: i am sorry to announce that the next chapter will be the last one! I hope everyone enjoyed this story. And im telling u know that i dont think i will make a sequal. If i do, it will be about chloe and Louis and how they fell in love n stuff.

Anyways please go read my other fanfics and be ready for a new one soon.

Until next time,





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