Chapter Thirty Four|| Concealer

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"I think he forgot." I randomly said. Chloe raised an eyebrow at me. "Forgot what?" She asked.

We sat on at a table in the cafeteria. It was Chloe, Louis, Mack and I. Niall and Harry were on their way.

"I suggested that we move in together and he said maybe. He never brought it up again." Chloe rolled her eyes. "Maybe he's just being a guy and avoiding the subject."

Louis frowned at her. "Excuse me? I'm the one who brought it up with us." I froze, confused as to what he was talking about. "What?"

Louis grabbed Chloe's hand over the table since he sat opposite her. "We're moving in together after graduation. Of course, Niall will follow us." He rolled his eyes at this, making Chloe giggle. Things seemed fine between them. I wondered what was happening with the whole Liam situation.

Mack scoffed. "You guys never had sex and you want to move in together? That's a horrible idea." I frowned. Harry and I never slept together. Was this why he was avoiding the subject?

Chloe smiled. "Actually..." My eyes widened at this. "You guys did it?!" I asked. Louis became red as a tomato while Chloe nodded. "Yeah. Right after our date."

Mack leaned over the table, smirking at Chloe. "How was it?" Chloe's eyes lightened up at this for some reason. She started telling us all about her first time. Louis stayed quiet, getting redder by the second.

Niall and Harry then arrived, setting their food down. Harry frowned at Louis. "Why are you so red?" Everyone laughed, making Louis' case even worse.

Chloe leaned over the table, placing a kiss on Louis' cheek. At that same time, Liam walked by. He stared at them with a sad expression. Chloe never spared him a glance. She only had eyes for Louis.

As bad as I felt for Liam, I was glad Louis and Chloe were back to normal.

Louis saw Liam and smiled. "Liam! Sit with us." No one seemed to mind So he took a seat next to Louis.

"I saw a nice place a few blocks from here. We should go visit it." Niall said, looking over at Louis and Chloe. Harry smiled, sitting up straight. I smiled a little, hoping he was remembering my proposal.

"I'm getting a place too." He seemed proud of himself. It was cute but he hadn't mentioned me in his plans yet. "Alone?" Niall asked.

I looked over at Harry, waiting for his reply. He nodded. Every ounce of hope in me disappeared.

In this moment, I wished we were more like Louis and Chloe. They were the perfect couple.  They were best friends and in love. They had a bump but went back to normal afterwards. That's what I wanted. Harry and I were simply lovers. We weren't friends.

"I need to use the loo." Harry said, getting up from his seat. He then walked away. We let him go since he was now able to go alone.

"Louis, we have a problem." Chloe said, looking at him with a frown. He looked up from his food, waiting for her to continue. "Someone is using my concealer. I don't know who though. I'm the only girl in the house."

Louis went red once again. "I wouldn't know. I don't wear make up. I'm a men."

Chloe nodded. "That's what I said when Harry said that he saw you using it." She smiled, knowing what she was doing.

"I didn't mean to I swear! I just haven't slept a lot in the last few days because of you and I wanted to hide my bags. I'm sorry, ok?" Chloe started laughing like crazy, the whole table doing the same. Except Louis of course. He was too embarrassed to laugh.

After the laughter died down, I realised that Harry wasn't back yet. I decided to go see if everything was alright.

I walked through the empty hallways, looking around for Harry. I reached the bathroom and called out his name but no response. I decided to walk around to find him. Maybe he went to his locker.

I was right. He stood at his locker, frowning at it's contents. "Harry? Is something wrong?" I asked, walking closer. He turned his head to look at me. As I got closer, I noticed that his crotch area was soaking wet.

"I didn't remember Jaiden." He said in a small voice. "I forgot that I had to use the loo, didn't I?"

I didn't understand how he could forget such a thing. I didn't question it and just put a hand on his shoulder. "That's alright. It's not your fault."

Harry looked inside his locker once again. "I have nothing to change in." Chloe's locker was only a few feet away so I walked over to it, opening it and grabbing the extra cloths for Harry. "Right here Harry." I handed him the cloths. He looked down at it and then up at me.

"Will this happen often? That I forget things?" He asked.

"Probably." I answered with a soft voice. He nodded. "I'll have to move in with Chloe when she moves out." He then walked around me and to the bathroom.

My heart hurt at his words. I didn't feel needed. He had Chloe to help him.

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