Chapter sixteen|| thank you

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Jaiden POV'

I wondered why I gave Harry another chance. Why I wanted to show him that he wasnt a monster. It was when I woke up in an empty bed that I knew i did the right thing. Harry made us a very nice meal and made us sleep here. Chloe slept in the guest room while I slept in Harry's room. Harry slept on the couch. You would think it was nothing but it meant a lot to me. I didnt know why but it just did.

"Food!!" I heard Chloe scream. I groaned as I got up. I slowly walked out the bedroom and down the hallway to the kitchen. Chloe was sat at the table eating pancakes like her life depended on it. Harry had his back towards me, shirtless, as he made more food. None of them heard me walk in so I took slow steps towards Harry. "Dont creep up on me." My eyes widened in surprise. "I wasnt, im busy eating." Chloe told him without turning around. Harry chuckled as I giggled. Chloe then turned to look at me with a smile. "Good morning." She told me as I did the same. She then went back to her plate as I continued making my way towards Harry.

I wrapped my arms around his torso and placed a gentle kiss on his upper back, making him somehow sigh in relief. "Good morning." I mumbled against his warm skin. He turned his head a little to glance at me before looking back at the food he was making. "I forgot to thank you Jaiden." He told me. I closed my eyes as I leaned my head against his back, liking the way it vibrated when he talked. "Thank me for what?" I asked. He placed a hand on mine that was on his stomach. He intertwined them while using his free hand to cook.

"For giving me another chance." He told me just above a whisper. I tightened my grip around him. I lifted my head up and kissed his bare skin once again. "Its nothing." I told him but he shook his head. He turned in my arms to face me, wrapping his own around me. "Its not nothing Jaiden. I broke your trust so early in our relationship and you still gave me another chance. I could do it again."

"But you wont." I gave him a stern look. He chuckled and bent down, placing a soft kiss on my forehead. "Never again." He whispered as he went down to my lips and kissed me. The moment was perfect. I missed his lips on mine. I missed his laugh. I missed being wrapped up in his arms. I missed him. I felt like I was falling for him all over again and I loved the feeling of it.

"Why do I always arrive at times like this?" I heard a male voice complain from behind me, followed by a giggle that I knew came from Chloe. "Shut up Louis. They finally made up!" She exclaimed. I turned my head to see Chloe getting up to go greet Louis who stood in the doorway of the kitchen. She hugged him and kissed his cheek. Harry chuckled. "Yeah Louis, shut up." I looked behind him to see if he was alone and felt relief wash over me when I didnt see Zayn. I realized that Louis was more... Himself when Zayn wasnt there. I liked the real Louis. I didnt like Zayn and the fact that hes ready to kill me for money makes my dislike towards him increase.

Harry looked back down at me with a small smile before he kissed my cheek. He then let go of me and left the kitchen, going to his room. Louis stared at me, not sure what to say. "Jaiden umm, how are you?" He asked. I shrugged. "Im alright." He nodded and swallowed the lump in his throat. "Im sorry about what happened. Zayn overreacted." I nodded and sent him a smile, letting him know everything was okay. He let out a breath in relief. He then turned to Chloe, scratching the back of his neck as he looked down at his feet. "You look nice Chloe." He commented. Chloe stared at him for a moment. "I always do." She stated. I laughed a little as I stared at them. Louis smiled lightly as he shuffled on his feet. "I was wondering if maybe, you know, you wanted to hang out soon?" He asked as he looked up at her. Chloe nodded right away. "Of course." The smile on Louis' face was magical. His happiness radiated off him all around the room, making me grin like crazy.

Harry walked back in, with a shirt on this time and a green tool bag in hand. "Im going to go check out Elizabeth's washing machine." He told us. Louis and Chloe nodded and he turned to leave but I ran after him. "Im coming with you!" He stopped and waited for me to catch up. We then walked out his apartment and made our way down the hall. We stopped at the end of it in front of a door. Harry knocked loudly, making sure the elder women would hear. After a moment the door opened and a smiling Elizabeth was standing before us. "Did you two make up?" She asked right away, making me blush. Harry chuckled and nodded. "We did." He then walked passed her and walked in her apartment, going strait to her bathroom. They must know each other well.

Elizabeth grabbed my hand and pulled me in. She closed the door and pulled me to the living room where we sat down. "So, you and Harry?" I didnt know what to answer at first. I thought for a moment, trying to find the right words. "He's something different." She laughed loudly and I wasnt sure if it was the right thing to say or not. "Yes indeed." I smiled. We stayed silent for a moment. She then grabbed my hand, giving it a tight squeeze. "Your something special, too." She told me. I frowned and shook me head. I was just, Jaiden.

"You have to be. Harry doesnt bring anyone in his home." I stared at her for a moment. Was I special in Harry's eyes? He was in mine. He wasnt at first, when he was some weird guy following me, but now he is. I was going to answer Elizabeth when Harry walked in. "All fixed." Elizabeth nodded and thanked him. We then left and made our way back to his flat. We stayed silent at first, until he spoke. "I heard about Zayn's threat." I shivered at the mention of his name. I lightly nodded. "I wont let him hurt you, I promise."

A/N: first off, this chapter is unedited. Also, im sorry this chapter sucks!! I didnt know what to write so yeah. Also, im planning the ending of this story. I have it planned how it will end but im not too sure how to get there.

Oh id like it if you checked out my other fanfics? They are better then this one if you ask me and id like the support!!

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Twitter: @effy_tommo

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Until next time,


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