Chapter seventeen|| hes dead

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Harry POV'

"Hes dead." I stared at Zayn, unsure what to answer. I hated it when someone died. It always hit me somehow. The fact that I was the one that killed him made it worse. Liam was a nice guy, but he was after my girl and I had to do something. I didnt know it would kill him, but sadly it did. "You killed him. How are we going to get our money now you idiot." I flinched a little at his harsh voice. I knew I was in trouble now. Not only with the police, but also with Zayn.

Zayn would do anything for money and if you got in between the two, you were going down. I was going down. I crossed my fingers, hoping he would just brush it off since we were friends but Zayn didnt care about that. It was work before family. So a friend? He wont care. I was glad that Louis wasnt here. He would be freaking out. He knows what Zayn is capable of.

"Your lucky I like you Harry. Im giving you a chance. Bring the money at the park in 24 hours. If you dont, you and your little girlfriend are gone." I nodded and ran out the door before he could say another word. I looked at my watch. 11:24 PM. I have 24 hours to find 3 million dollars. How was i going to find all that money? Yeah, I had money but not that much. I had about 7 thousand in a drawer at home. I was going to go get it and then make a plan to find more money. I started walking towards my place, having left my car there. I let out an annoyed sigh. I really hope time could stop right now.


I walked in my apartment and went strait to my room not paying attention to anything around me. I walked in my room and went strait to my drawer. I opened it and took out a black box with a lock on it. I took out the key from my pocket and unlocked it, opening the box. My money was in it. I grabbed it all. I then went in my closet, grabbing a black duffle bag. I set it on my bed and put the money in it. I then started putting some cloths and my valuable belongings. I was planning on leaving right after I gave him his money. I was already probably not going to find it so I would probably leave before then.

I stopped packing in a halt. Jaiden. I cant leave without her. Zayn will go after her and kill her. I had to go get her. I nodded to myself in agreement and finished packing. I then walked out of my apartment, taking one last look at it. I let out a sight and walk out. Elizabeth was passing by when I walked out. We stared at each other, surprised. I wondered what she was doing walking around pass midnight. She was probably wondering the same about me.

"Harry darling, what are you doing?" She asked, looking at my bag. I shuffled on my feet a little. I was going to miss her. She was such a nice lady. "Im leaving." I told her. Her face saddened. She was going to talk but I stopped her before she could. I was wasting time. "Im sorry I have to go." I gave her a quick hug and ran down the hall. I didnt bother taking the elevator and ran down the stairs. I went to my car and put my bag in the backseat. I then got in myself and started driving to Jaiden's place.


Jaiden POV'

"Babe, wake up." Warm hands were wrapped on my shoulders, shaking me out of my slumber. I groaned and pushed them away, wanting to sleep. "Jaiden you need to wake up." I slowly opened my eyes. The only person to call me by my full name is Harry, I knew it was him. My eyes fully opened and stared at him. "Harry? What are you doing here?" I asked, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes with the back of my hand as I yawned. He made his way to my closet and got one of my old duffle bags out. It was a dark green color with black straps.

I sat up in my bed, curious to what he was doing. He set it down at the end of my bed and starting packing my cloths in it. "Harry? What are you doing?" I asked as I stood up. He didnt answer and kept packing. "Harry?" I tried again. This time he answered but continued packing at the same time. "Were leaving." He simply said. I shook my head. I grabbed his arm, making him stop and stare up at me. "We cant leave Harry. I have school and my family."

"You wont have any of those if your dead." I let go of his arm and frowned. He continued putting things in the bag. I just stood there, frozen. "What?" I asked, confused. Dead? "Ill explain everything in the car, now help me pack." I nodded and went around the room, grabbing everything I needed. I also changed from my pj to a pair of black jeans and a plain grey shirt.

We were quickly done and climbed out of my window. Harry caught me as I jumped down and we ran to his car. I didnt know why. He put my bag in the back seat where his was and we got in. Right as he started the car, the lights in my house went on. I saw my mom run in the middle of the road, trying to stop me as we drove away. My heart tightened at the fact that I probably wont see her again.


"You should sleep jaiden. Its going to be a long night." Those were the first words that Harry spoke to me ever since we left my house. Its about 2 in the morning and I didnt know where were going. I wouldnt dare asking. Harry looked stressed out of his mind and i didnt want him to explode on me. I simply nodded and leaned my head on the window before I closed my eyes. I was tired anyways.

Harry POV'

I waited until Jaiden was asleep to go see Niall. He will know what to do. He was always good at finding money and fast. I parked the car outside the old building Niall called a home and ran out the car, locking it. I went through the back door and ran up stairs. I walked in the room he usually stays in most of the time and sure enough, hes in there sitting on an old yellow couch.

He doesnt see me at first since hes star gazing. I cough to get his attention and he jumps, surprised. "Harry?" He stands up and stared at me. I walk closer and he backs up. I would find it funny but I dont have time to laugh. "I need your help." I stated and he nodded. I explained to him the situation and told him I was sorry about Liam, his only friend but he brushed it off.

"Ill make some calls. Ill call you if I find anything." I thanked him and made my way towards the door to leave but stop in my tracks and turn around. "Im sorry about everything Niall. I miss having you by my side." He looked up at me and smiled widely. I then left. I went back to the car where Jaiden was still sleeping. I stayed in the car watching her for a while, unsure what to do now. I thought about everyone I knew. I couldnt ask Louis, I dont want him to choose between Zayn and I. I decided to just drive around until I find an idea.


I drove for over an hour. It was now 4 in the morning. Everyone was sleeping so I would never find anyone or anything. I decided to park the car in the parking lot at the mall to sleep. When I would wake up, I would find something. Ill have to. I cant let anything happen to Jaiden.

A/N: im so sorry! Ik this is a bad chapter and i put their lives in trouble and all. This is just how i see my story i guess.

Ill be updating this fanfic on wednesday now! Yay! Idk what else to say...

Until next time,


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