Chapter 1

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Cascading dark brown hair catches her attention. She lingers but then remembers she has a duty; she can't let herself be distracted by beautiful shining hair. The line at the bank is a snake - long and full of curves. She's standing at the end of the line. Quinn notices the person with the hair has caught the majority of people's attentions as she walked through the doors. She sighs, turns back at her daughter in her arms and smiles.

The baby coos and makes some indescribable noise. It makes Quinn smile, like always. The line moves an inch, maybe, and Quinn picks up the green and pink car seat to take a step forward, at the same time keeping the baby in her arm safe and the bag over her shoulder from falling. She sets it down again and tries to analyze how much longer this will take.

"Um, excuse me?" She turns at the poking on her left shoulder and is surprised to find the woman who stole the attention of half the bank. "Hi, I'm sorry for bothering you but -" the brown-eyed woman smiles unapologetically and says, "she's a cutie," and points at the baby Quinn is cradling. "I couldn't help myself, I love kids."

Quinn notices she's being real and is suddenly shy, ducking her head for a second. Pride then, surges from within, for having created this perfect being and she can't help it but turn fully to give her complete attention to this woman. "Yes, yes she is, isn't she?" Adoring hazel eyes fall upon the barely there blonde hair resting atop of the round face. She's getting tired, she ate not long ago.

"Definitely - she looks just like you." The woman draws a lock of hair behind her ear and the says, "I'm Rachel, Rachel Berry." Extending her hand at Quinn, the woman expects her name too.

"Quinn. Fabray." Quinn says and shakes the hand being thrust at her. Out of everyone in this place, this woman came up to her because of her gracious daughter. She feels like the room is watching their interaction with excrutiating attention. "And this is Beth. Beth Fabray Puckerman."

"Your husband is one lucky man. You're beautiful and you gave him the most darling baby I've ever seen." Rachel Berry tells Quinn Fabray while taking a risk and grabbing onto the small pale fingers of baby Beth. The baby looks confused but soon smiles when Rachel makes an adorable ugly face.

Quinn shakes her head. He wasn't her husband. He wasn't even her friend. But he insists in staying around and helping take care and Quinn sees the honorable side of him, so she agreed in letting him give her his name. She wasn't in love, wasn't even into it, but she was drunk and she did feel fat. She doesn't feel like telling a stranger her sob story but doesn't feel like she can not tell this woman part of the truth, "I'm not married. She is a blessing though."

The brown eyes warm over and pour adoration at the little girl, "I bet. And I apologize, I didn't mean to make assumptions. I only said that because a woman like you-" She stops in her tracks and smiles sofltly, not even showing teeth. "Uh, the line's moving."

Quinn stumbles as she tries to turn, walk, and grab the carseat all at the same time. She's most definitely affected by this person's presence though she doesn't quite know why. Sure, she's astounding - her eyes are both sultry and inviting, and her smile is like a ray of sunshine, but she has never before felt this attraction toward a person. Much less another woman. She feels an insane pull, and then reasons that most people who interact with her probably do too.

"Can I help you with that?" Rachel offers gently. She opens both palms at Quinn and looks at the carseat intent on helping. It'd be for a second - grab it from her hand and then take three steps forward. Quinn doesn't really need the help, and any other person she would've denied it, but this time she welcomes it.

She hands it over and Rachel takes it like she has just been handed the most important job in the world. "Thanks," Quinn says and focuses on walking forward and not falling. "She was asleep in the cardeat when I got here but then she started fussing so I picked her up."

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