Chapter 17

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"Would you stop that? You're making my head spin!" She laughs and tries to place a hand on Sam's office chair, but he moves away and continues, laughing.

"Dude, you know you wanna but you can't." She spares a look at him, narrowing her eyes, and then gives in laughing because he's right. It's unprofessional to be fooling around like that, even though she's dying to join him on the fun.

"Dude," she mocks him, "How's Devin?" She wiggles her eyebrows and winks. He's cute when he blushes.

He dips his head and the corners of his lips lift, "she's, um, you know. Cute... Adorable... I'm taking her out again tonight."

"Really?" She crosses off a few items from her to-do list and looks up.

He shakes his head excitedly, "I'm taking her to this low-key Comic-con type-a thing." He laughs at Quinn's confused face and then explains, "Some dudes from this website forum I follow for some comics set it up. It's in Cleveland."

"I didn't know she liked comics," Quinn chuckles silently and starts highlighting the most important items of her list. "What is this - the third date?"

"Yeah," he can't help but smile, and she smiles with him. "What about you?"

"What about me?"

"How are things with the mysterious someone you rejected all this for?" Swiping his hands down his front, he succeeds in making her laugh. She bites her bottom lip thinking about the way her body was buzzing all thanks to Rachel as she came into work that morning. He notices her eyes twinkle and scoffs good-heartedly, "just tell me who he is already. It's not like I'd even know him."

"Bud," she starts. When she looks at him, his tilting his head expectantly, green eyes hoping for a revelation. He licks his lips, pulls a chapstick out of his pocket and puts it on. He reminds her of a pup when he shakes his shaggy hair. "I -" What is the harm in telling him? He seems like a good guy, from a great family. And he goes to college in freaking SoCal - he is surrounded by lesbians.

But, this is the first non-superclosefriendwhomshewentt ohighschoolwith that she'd be coming out to. In fact, he's barely a friend. They are acquaintances, recently met. Sure, they've clicked and he seems like he will be someone she'll keep in her life, but - when is it the right time to come out to a stranger?

"Quinn," he breaks her thoughts. She shakes her head and smiles weakly. "That's okay, you don't have to tell me."

There is a funny thing about Quinn Fabray to Sam Evans. She is one of the most stunning girls he has ever met. Beautiful on the outside and on the inside. From an outsider's perspective, she has a good life: clearly, she is involved with someone. He knows she goes to school - nursing. He knows - of course he does, his father filled him in on the baby-drama but he doesn't judge - about Beth. Still, doing what she did and keeping the baby when her father was against it is a fucking brave thing to do and the respect he has for Quinn is beyond measurable.

The thing that baffles him the most about her is how she can smile and still seem so sad? And it is even more enticing how she seems to be so much more beautiful because of this sadness - melancholia - she carries around. It gives her a poetic vibe.

He wonders why she's always sad. Why she's so broken. Of course it has to do with her family but what about now that she is dating someone? He wishes he could help.

"Rachel," she tells him softly, looking intently at the word 'Cartherer' on the paper in front of her.

He's confused. Did he miss something? "I'm sorry, what?" He asks her to repeat and rolls the chair an inch forward.

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