Chapter 22

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Rachel is sitting on the edge of the bed, right leg under the left as she waits for Quinn to wake up. She feels a tiny bit stalkerish, just watching her sleep, but she can't help it that she cannot for the life of her help it. She lets her eyes drift down the expanse of Quinn's light skin, her bare back disappearing underneath the blanket. Blonde hair in every direction, and a profile sticking out from under the mane. She smiles, and reaches for another grape.

She doesn't really know how long she's been sitting here for, waiting, but then Quinn starts shifting slowly and mumbling something. Rachel doesn't pretend to speak Mumbleish, so she tests the water. "Quinn?"

"Hdmsksb jeska." That's probably not what Quinn said but it's what Rachel heard.

"Baby," she giggles and gets on all fours on top of the bed, careful not to disrupt the tray of food. Crawling behind Quinn, she settles half on top of her, chin on her left shoulder and lips by her ear. "Good morning, sweetie. I have no idea what you just said."

"I said," Quinn tries to make better use of her voice, clearing her throat and turning toward Rachel, "It's too early."

Laughing, Rachel pokes on her side and kisses her cheek - with marks from the sheets, "I brought you breakfast."

She groans, but smiles, and then completely lays on her back, struggling to keep both eyes open. "You're always bringing me breakfast," she points out, referring to the time Rachel brought her breakfast to work. "I'll have to bring you breakfast sometime."

With a twinkle in her eyes, Rachel kisses the top of her head, and says, "I'd love that." She hopes it can happen sooner rather than later because for Quinn to bring her breakfast they need to be in the same city. "Seriously though, get up. You, me, Beth, and Britt are going to the Aquarium."

"Santana?" She questions, and her eyes droop closed.

"She's at work, but she might meet us for a late lunch when we come back."

"Okay," Quinn says and yawns loudly. "Sorry," she apologizes sheepishly. "I'm over here taking my time when we don't have time-"

"Hey," Rachel says softly, but it stops Quinn from going down that path. "Let's not even think about that, okay?" There's silence as Rachel grabs the tray of food and settles it next to Quinn. Quinn sits up and leans on the headboard, closes her eyes, and drops her head back. Rachel sighs at the sight and her eyes drop to Quinn's exposed collarbone, protruding and inviting. Her exposed neck; her exposed abs. The breasts confined in a tyrannical bra. She smirks, licks her lips, and then says. "Did you ever watch How I Met Your Mother when in high school?"

Quinn opens her eyes, confused and shakes her head no. "Why?"

Pushing thoughts of making love to Quinn to the back of her head, she goes on to explain, "My favorite episode was called 'Drumroll, Please.' Ted - the main dude - meets this girl. I think her name was Victoria. But! At first he doesn't know that's her name or whatever. Well, the point is that they meet at a wedding and Victoria suggests that they spend the most amazing night together and then not exchange contact information, not to ruin the memory, you know? Like, they don't taint the memory by thinking about how they might never see each other again, and they agree that if they're meant to be, it'll happen."

Squinting at Rachel, Quinn asks, "okay, why are you bringing this up?" She smiles as Rachel hands her the bowl of grapes and picks up two.

"Victoria," Rachel continues, "tells Ted that they shouldn't kiss. That if the kiss sucks, it'll ruin everything and that the best part of a kiss is the moment leading up to it - the anticipation. So they go on the rest of the night almost kissing... I don't know, I always thought it was romantic and stuff." Then she adds, "besides, Victoria was hot. She was like my favorite girlfriend for Ted. After Robin, of course."

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