Chapter 32

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Rachel opens the door to her apartment and finds it to be quite loud. Not surprisingly, Blaine has invited over Tina and Finn to meet Judy, Quinn, and Beth.

Tina practically tosses herself at Quinn when they walk into the small kitchen with the candy bags, "it's about time we met! I feel like we are already friends. Welcome to New York, Quinn."

"Thank you so much," Quinn tells her through a fit of giggles. "I feel like we're already friends, too."

Grabbing Finn by the hand, Tina formally introduces him. "This is Finn. Say hi, Finn," she tells the boy with an almost impatient tone.

"Hey, Quinn. I hope Rachel hasn't been too awful to you," he jokes with a charming grin. Then he looks back at Judy who is quietly watching the scene unfold in the corner, "I love your mom! She's so funny!"

Judy smiles at Finn's actually honest compliment and tries to not laugh out loud at Quinn's and Rachel's facial expressions. "Funny, you say?" Quinn asks.

"Yeah! She's hilarious!" Finn continues in his enthusiasm.

"Beth," Tina starts, pulling the conversation to another topic, "is so adorable. I've never met a smarter or prettier girl."

Quinn beams, because every time someone compliments Beth it's like they're complimenting her, "thank you, Tina! She is, isn't she? I'm very proud of her."

"Rachel wasn't kidding when she went on and on about her," Finn adds. "I mean, I didn't know kids her age are supposed to be this smart. I feel dumb when I'm around her."

Rachel pipes in, while unpacking the groceries, "you feel dumb around a lot of people." This makes Tina and Blaine burst out laughing, causing Beth to laugh too from the high chair they have provided for her. She is messily eating peas, picking them up one by one, sometimes even tossing a couple at one of the adults. Rachel helps clean Beth's arms that are covered in green and then picks her up, "you guys ready to go out to eat? I don't know why you guys are all stuffed in this kitchen."

"I was giving Beth her peas when your friends showed up," Judy tells her.

Rachel stops and looks at her, completely surprised. Not that Judy talking to her is that big of a deal; they were good friends before everything went down. It's just the tone she used that was sort of telling - like maybe, possibly, she was trying to call a silent truce on whatever feelings they've had about each other since the coming - shoving - out of the closet took place. "Oh," Rachel finally says. She smiles, "come on, let's go. There's a place nearby I'm sure you'll love."

Judy smiles back, and Rachel wonders if maybe this trip might not be so bad after all.

And so they all go out to dinner, Rachel insisting on holding Beth all night, and manage to stay civilized. Even Judy and Quinn keep from attacking each other in front of Tina and Finn, and Rachel has to be proud of Quinn for managing so.

It's only when they retire to sleep - after Tina and Finn have already left - that it gets a little awkward.

Quinn doesn't say anything, she simply stands and looks at her mother.

Rachel tries, "relax, Quinn."

"I am relaxed," Quinn tells her, eyes narrowing at her mother. "I am going to give you benefit of the doubt and say that you didn't mean that."

Judy looks as if she's trying just as hard to remain composed. "I am sorry," she says. "I don't want you to think I have a problem with you guys sleeping in the same... bed," she inhales air deeply. "I... apologize, again." She places a shaky hand over her eyes in the darkening apartment.

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