Chapter 24

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So the hours pass slower when Rachel wants to do something, she's pretty sure about that. She hasn't told Quinn about her plans of going back to Lima this week but she's pretty excited. She thought about bringing Blaine with her but she doesn't feel like babysitting him or spending all her time with anyone other than Quinn and Beth.

It's been five and a half weeks since she's been back in New York. The show she had been cast on her after her Senior Showcase before graduating ran it's four weeks course and it was highly-appraised by many. Rachel's name was printed on the paper even, as the next big thing to watch out for. Her real job in New York now would be to find someone who wanted to put faith in her that she'd deliver.

Still, that'd have to wait, because Lima was expecting her, with her girl and her girl's baby and she was so excited to go back. She was not nearly as patient enough as she'd like to be. She already feels like she missed to much not being there. Beth started to say important words, like "Ma," and "Gama," for Judy. She calls Santana, "Na," and Britt, "B," which works out pretty well. It's adorable to see it happening over Skype, but she'd rather be there to hear Beth call her anything.

Beth still couldn't say her name no matter how many times she or Quinn repeated it. She attributed it to the fact that she wasn't around as often as the others, but she knows that's not true.

Also, according to Quinn, Beth had started to try crawling and sitting up by herself. Too much progress without Rachel being around to watch! She felt so attached to Beth and like she was going to be forgotten by the little girl; she really hopes she didn't.

"Excited?" Tina asks over lunch that afternoon. "I know you haven't Skyped her in over two days and how that drives you crazy."

Rachel looks up at her friend and admits with a shy smile, "yeah, well, she's busy with school and work and such."

"But you get to see her tomorrow!" Tina is supportive of Rachel's relationship and she always brings a positive note to conversations when Rachel's feeling kind of down.

"Are you talking about Quinn?" Blaine asks as he arrives. He sits next to Rachel and picks up a menu. She looks at him and huffs so he rolls his eyes and kisses her cheek in greeting. She mutters a 'thanks' and he continues, "she'll be really excited you're there. She's going to literally jump your bones when she sees you."

"Hopefully..." Rachel mutters, more to herself, but her friends' ears catch it and they start laughing. "You guys have seen how hot she is! Don't laugh at me."

"You guys haven't ordered yet?" Blaine asks as the waiter approaches their table. Both girls shake their heads and he smiles, "thanks for waiting for me."

Tina laughs, "Rachel made me wait. I'm starving."

Later that night, Rachel tries Skyping Quinn and after 48 hours, they finally get to see each other and talk. "How's school?" Rachel asks.

Quinn looks exhausted, but never not beautiful. She makes an effort to smile and tells Rachel, "it's amazing. Hard but amazing, I love it. How have you been?"

"Great, I'm fine. I've been all over looking for auditions with Tina and Blaine, but no luck as of yet."

They talk for a few hours, Beth makes an appearance for a little while and is put to bed, and then Judy comes by to say hi. Judy still seems pretty oblivious to her daughter's relationship with Rachel but it's clear to all that she loves Rachel. She always makes a point to come say hello when they're talking and Quinn has told Rachel of multiple times when Judy asked her when they'd see Rachel again.

When it's time to say goodnight, Quinn says, "let's Skype tomorrow. I don't wanna go a long time without seeing your face again. See you tomorrow?"

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