Chapter 9

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Quinn can see dancing sillhoutettes to the music spilling from the inside of the house. A warm smile spreads over her face as she tells herself that she really is glad to have come. She looks over the stroller she's gripping tight, and sees the blonde head of her favorite person ever.

She doesn't quite believe they'll hear her if she knocks, so she goes straight for the bell and holds down on it for a while. Rolling the stroller back a little, she squats next to it when she notices a little lady bug on Beth's dress.

The door opens while she's kissing Beth's forehead, "Hello, Ms. Fabray." Leroy says, with a polished accent. "Won't you come on in, with the little Ms. Fabray?" He extends his hand, smiling even though he's panting for breaths.

She takes his hand and steps in the house, while he goes around her to get the stroller with Beth. "Thank you, uh, Mr. Berry?" She isn't sure if she should play along or what, but she won't call him Leroy if he calls her Fabray.

Leroy is already craddling Beth in his arms, scrunching his nose at her and widening his eyes. "Rachel and Hiram are in the kitchen, Quinn," his voice is back to normal. He motions for him to follow her. "Come on."

With the door closed, she could already make out Rachel's form at the back of the house. Now, she can also hear Rachel clearly, even though she still looks like a shadow from where she is because of the way the sun's shining from behind. Quinn wants to stop and look around at the marvelous architecture of the Berry's house, but she's too glued to Rachel dancing that she just simply can't.

Quinn is instantly relaxed - she was worrying on the drive over that maybe the evening would be awkward, but somehow, Rachel always manages to relax her. Even if she isn't trying.

"Honey?" Leroy says right before he crosses the arch that leads into the kitchen.

Rachel's head snaps to Quinn. Quinn's smiling. "Quinn!" Rachel shrieks, not censoring her excitement at all. The brunette jumps off the round, white table - that looks like has been moved from near the window - and runs toward the iPod connected to speakers next to the sink. She lowers the volume and then rushes toward the blonde.

Hiram chuckles quietly as he makes his way toward Beth in Leroy's arms and manages to steal her away.

"Hi," Quinn says, folding her arms behind her back. She really wants to hug Rachel though.

Rachel's smile gets bigger, it seems. Quinn notices there's a thin coat of sweat on her beautiful, tan skin, and some has accumulated over her top lip. Her very cute, red, top lip. She forgets there are other people in the room when Rachel runs the back of her hand over her lip, as if reading Quinn's mind, and then licks her lips. "I'd hug you," Rachel starts and Quinn is already upset by the 'would,' which implies she won't. "But I was dancing like a maniac - a crazy person, really! That I completely lost track of time and now I'm like, dripping in disgusting sweat. You do not want a hug from me right now. I mean," Rachel continues speaking, and Quinn would bet money that Rachel doesn't even know how cute she looks right now, sweat and all. "I didn't even hear the knock or the bell or whatever it is you did, even though I've been so excited about tonight, it's all I have been thinking about..." The unexpected giggle that falls from Beth's lips break her little speech and Rachel turns to face her dads and Beth. "Oh! Hello, Beth!" Rachel quickly pecks the baby's chubby, rosy cheek, and then just as fast cleans it with the pad of her thumb gently.

Quinn is desperately trying not to die out of sheer adorable. And sexy. Rachel looks sexy, sweating after dancing. Some of Rachel's long brown hair is stuck to her face. "It's okay for you to hug me, Rachel, really." She says when Rachel shuts up - finally - to stare at Beth. She is legit staring, with a small smile which holds a whale of adoration.

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