Chapter 29

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..I know this is inappropriate of me and I don't deserve your help but I'd really love it if you could get Quinn to call me. Thank you, Rachel. I know you must be angry at me and I don't blame you, I just wan-" the voicemail cuts off and Rachel breathes out slowly to regain composure. She checked her phone during break for the play, expecting a call from Quinn, maybe her parents. Not Judy.

It's been a week and a half since the whole thing with Judy went down and Rachel knows for a fact that Quinn's been avoiding her mother. She isn't happy with the things Judy said to Quinn about their relationship but she doesn't judge Judy for calling her. In fact, it kind of proves to her just how much Judy is willing to do to speak to her daughter.

Still, she's angry at Judy for yelling at Quinn that night and for trying to demean their relationship so she debates internally whether she should tell Quinn Judy called her. Is this even her decisiom to make? She doesn't know. She mulls over it as she finishes a quick salad.

She ponders over what Judy said. "Of course I'm angry with you," she hears herself speak to no one in particular, only thoughts of her girlfriend's mother. "I vouched for you, and you disappointed all of us." She listens to the voicemail once again to see if it helps her make a decision. What is Judy expecting out of this? That Quinn will pack up and once again return home to a place she can't be herself?

But for Judy to give up her pride and ego and call Rachel? Man, that sure takes some metaphorical balls. "Shit!" She exclaims while dialing Quinn.


"How's school today?" Rachel tries easing her way into a conversation before telling Quinn about Judy's call.

"Slow," Quinn says with a monotone voice. She lays her hand on the desk in the library and rests her head on it, keeping her phone balanced on her other cheek. "How's rehearsal?"

"It's pretty good. How long of a break do you have right now?"

Quinn checks her watch, "about half an hour, then I have a quiz in my next class and I'm pretty sure he'll let us out early after that." She sighs and reluctantly raises her head to look at her notes again. "Clinicals have been crazy though. Good thing I work at such a chill place otherwise I'd think I'd be dead by now."

"Speaking of crazy..." Rachel uses that keyword as a transition. Maybe Quinn won't appreciate that adjective but she's merely inferring the idea that it happened is crazy, not Judy herself.


"So," Rachel clears her throat and quietly says, "Judy called. Judy called me, and left a voicemail. I was in rehearsal so I didn't really notice it until now." Rachel is trying to hide how nervous she is but she knows the speed in which the words are coming out of her mouth betrays her. "Then I debated whether you'd want to hear that she did or not and eventually settled on telling you ASAP."

There's barely a sound on the other side of the call until Quinn sighs and asks, "what did she want?"

"She asked me to ask you to call her and Quinn, don't you-"

"No," Rachel is interrupted by Quinn's stern word. "I don't think I should talk to her. At least not right now."

Rachel nods, although Quinn can't see her, and then says, "okay, baby. You decide when. But you can't avoid her forever. Does she at least know where you're staying?"

Probably not, Quinn figures. Maybe she should figure out a way to let her mother know she's at the Berry's and then also tell her to stop trying to contact her. It's not that she doesn't love her mom, but she's too angry at the moment, and figuring out how to deal with this entire thing with her mother breathing down her neck just doesn't seem like a suitable option. "I'll ask Santana do drop by."

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