Chapter 12

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Santana laughs loudly and then steals the pizza slice back from Quinn. "Eat your own," Santana growls at her.

With a loud groan, Quinn has to stand to where the pizza boxes are on the counter. She takes two slices this time, just so she doesn't have to stand up again. "Do you want another one, Rach?" She asks while she's still up.

Rachel nods, because she's currently chewing, and mumbles a "thanks." Quinn looks at her over her shoulder and smiles. She grabs a third slice and drops it on top of hers.

"Little B, you have to finish your entire plate," Britt directs at Beth, who is holding her spoon up in the air. Her smashed carrots have been forgotten. Half of her clothes are now orange. The half-jar of strawberries puree is gone.

Santana leans over with a napkin and cleans Beth's mouth. She pries the spoon away from Beth and tries to coerce her into eating some more but she doesn't want to.

"It's okay," Qunn tells them when she sits between Beth and Rachel again. "I'll give her another bottle before she sleeps." She looks at Rachel and raises an eyebrow at the pizza platter she set in front of them so Rachel picks one up.

"Thank you," she tells her and kisses her cheek in gratitude.

Quinn is going to get used to always getting these soft, delicious kisses from Rachel. These are much better than the chocolate ones from a bag she can get at a market. When she looks up, both Santana and Britt are smirking at her. She takes a bite of her own cheese pizza, flushing, and then asks, "what?" It's rhetorical; she knows what and she doesn't really want them to reply to her. Ignoring them, she turns to Rachel and says, "you're welcome."

Rachel's been trying to hold back a giggle at the way Quinn blushed under her friends' gazes. Instead, she says, "never thought your favorite pizza would be plain cheese..." with a mocking tone of voice. Taking a bite of hers, she glances at Santana, also trying to keep from laughing.

Quinn is feeling much better now, surrounded by friends who truly care about her, her daughter, and Rachel. Her eyes still feel kind of heavy from crying, and she knows her nose is red, but she ignores all of that because these women don't care. She's safe and comfortable and loved. She pulls up one of the sleeves of the long-sleeved OSU sweater she borrowed from Santana. "Whatever, cheese is all you need on a good pizza."

"Of course, Quinn," Rachel instantly agrees. "I was just surprised, that's all."

Santana laughs and Britt says, "She has a thing for bacon on pizza, Rachel. It's just that we know you're vegetarian."

This makes Rachel drop her slice on her plate and look at Santana, "really?"

"I knew that if I got something you didn't eat Q would kill me..." She shrugs and then looks at Quinn, wanting her to agree.

"It's true," Quinn says and motions for Rachel to continue eating. "I'd kill her and then I'd go back and order something you could eat." With a smile, she finishes the current slice.

Britt asks, "are you going to eat that?" As she reaches for the slice left on the plate.

Quinn slaps her hand away, laughing, and says, "you will not do Santana's dirty work for her, B." With a disapproving shake, but a smile still gracing her lips, Quinn gives Santana her last slice and sits back. "I wasn't going to eat that anyway." She grips a napkin and rubs her fingers on it to clean them, and then reaches for the Coke can in front of her. "I'm stuffed," she downs a long gulp of the soda.

"Thanks, Q." Santana says with a wink and a smile that tells Rachel this is all familiar to them all.

Quinn ignores her and looks at Rachel, who is still eating, and so is Santana. So she takes her empty plate, Beth's half-empty plate, and Britt's and takes them to the sink. Britt's up and behind her before she even starts rinsing them.

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