Chapter 13

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This morning, she wakes up and pulls on a white shirt and tiny pink shorts before going downstairs for her coffee and newspaper reading time. She's extremely excited about her date with Quinn and cannot stop thinking about it since she said goodbye last night.

The rest of the conversation drifted back to Quinn's father, who, Rachel learned, is named Russell. She only knows that because after a while, Quinn would just call him Russell. She figures 'father' doesn't really cut it for Quinn anymore. The blonde told her all about how she used to be his little girl and in one night, he couldn't look at her. Quinn truly believes that if she had gone through with the abortion, Russell would have pretended nothing even happened and she'd go back to being his favorite daughter.

Eventually, Rachel had to leave. She had promised her fathers they'd spend quality time together, so at around eight (after they ate the rest of the pizza and right before Quinn put Beth to bed), she hugged Quinn tight and said, 'I'll see you tomorrow." Quinn hugged her back tighter.

Santana pretended not to hear when Quinn thanked Rachel and continued to entertain Beth with Mr. Swagger and the toy cow they fetched from Quinn's car when Beth started to fuss.

Rachel's thoughts come back to her own kitchen when she see her dad's already up, and that's weird. "Mornin'," she says and is quick to hug him from behind. "You okay? You're already up."

She notices happily that he's already brewing the coffee, so she sits at the table and waits. He responds, "Your father's making me go to the Goldensteins' with him this morning since you aren't." He points at her accusingly but with a small smile threatening to break onto his face.

"Sorry, dad." She says, but she's not one bit sorry. The thud of the newspaper hitting her front door has her getting up to go get it. "But not really!" She throws it over her shoulder.

When she comes back into the kitchen with the newspaper under her arm, her dad's already pouring her some coffee. "I need at least four of these to keep me interested at the Goldenstein's."

Rachel laughs and kisses his rough cheek (he hasn't shaved this morning yet) in gratitude. "You'll be fine."

"Where are you taking Quinn?" He asks and sits down across from her. She takes Entertainment - obviously - and he takes Sports.

She looks up at him bashfully while taking a sip of the steaming beverage and she might even burn her tongue a little. It stings and that spot fees weird now. She rakes her teeth over it a couple of times with a frown, and her dad waits patiently for her to get over it.

"You never learn," he muses and looks down at his paper. "So?"

"I was thinking of the Aquarium." Rachel says, and she sounds like she has a lisp now! "Oh god - I have a lisp! Great! Quinn's going to think I'm-"

"Easy there, Tiger." Her father calms her down and flips the page of the newspaper as he looks at her with an amused smile. "First, the lisp isn't even noticeable until you point it out. Second, I think the Aquarium is a great idea. Third, Quinn will not think anything of you because you have a lips because you're impatient."

Rachel rolls her eyes but laughs, "fine. Whatever. Hey, do you think I could take her to the restaurant later for a late lunch?"

He smiles and nods, "I'll be there by noon, hopefully. I'll tell your daddy I have to go in early so I can get out of this unfortunate visit to the Goldensteins'. Why do we even go there anymore?"

"Tradition? Fellowship? Free Jewish brunch?" Rachel gets up and finds a bagel. She thinks that maybe if she's chewing she won't constantly feel the need to run the spot she burnt with her teeth.

Isn't she lovely-FaberryWhere stories live. Discover now