Chapter 40

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It's all going too well and Quinn has forgotten about the concept of time. Her grandparents are proud of her and they love Beth. They're even fond of Rachel, and of that, she could not be more excited about. It makes Quinn feel warm to be able to share the moment with the most important people in her life.

Beth is on her great-grandfather's lap, touching his shaven face over and over. Quinn looks him over - he looks great. He's always been a handsome man. His blue eyes and white hair give him a charming look. He has given the better part of his attention to Beth in the past hour. She remembers being that little girl on his lap many years ago and reminisces as she watches them.

Rachel is excitedly talking to Quinn's grandmother about living in New York, one interesting story after another. She's charming the old folks with her manners and winning smile, and Quinn loves her even more for it. Rachel's such a family-oriented person; she always wants to let Quinn know that she cares about the people Quinn cares about. A sense of overwhelming love takes over Quinn and she can't help but openly stare at Rachel telling the story of losing her taxi to a hippie.

Quinn laughs along but catches herself lost in the world that is her girlfriend. When Quinn watches Rachel, it seems as time slows down and the whole thing plays off in slow motion. She watches with gentle eyes as Rachel's mouth opens when she laughs, red lips parting as if wanting to engulf the whole universe. Rachel's nose crinkles upward when she thinks something is particularly amusing, right before she lets that laughter out. Dimples decorate her cheeks and that smile grows bigger with every passing moment. Those brown eyes keep diverting back and forth to Quinn's own hazel, and she really doesn't mind.

The moment Rachel realizes that Quinn's so into her right now, Rachel feels it throb everywhere. The love, the want that Quinn has for her. It's a beautiful feeling to know that you're loved so much. It's a beautiful day for her, and more so than that - it's important to her because Quinn is happy. On a day that had everything going to turn sour, Rachel is relieved that it didn't. She's glad that it worked out in Quinn's favor for once.

She smiles at her girlfriend, sitting opposite of her, next to her grandfather. Quinn's overtaken with momentary shyness, and she occupies herself with pushing a stray hair behind her ear.

Gam-gam has now taken over the story-telling. When Rachel was mid-way through telling the hippie thief story, she thought of something that had happened to her in the 60s when she was a rebellious youngster. Quinn finds it hard to believe at first but Pop Herb is quick to nod along with every detail.

They're having such a fantastic time that there is clear trepidation in the room when the bell chimes.


It was all going too well, Quinn groans to herself. She had completely forgotten about her older sister - her own personal Grinch. She's sure that Frannie will not be as forgiving or as accepting as their grandparents.

Rachel's eyes cut to Quinn, already prepared to serve as barrier between Quinn and Frannie if things get bad. Sisters tend to hash out differences such as theirs with fists and hair-pulling. Or so Quinn has told her. She really hopes it doesn't come down to that.

Judy stands up quickly, straightening her skirt with the sweaty palm of her hands. It's now or never. She can either make a choice to back up Quinn no matter what and send Russell one last fuck you, or she could let him have control over her life. If Frannie wants to allow her father to make her life choices for her forever, then there's nothing else Judy can do for her. All she really can do is relay a message over that love is going to win in her household.

"Please, let's remember to be polite to your sister, Quinnie," her mother tells her in one last attempt to keep the peaceful atmosphere they have going on so far.

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