Chapter 14

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The best feeling when Quinn was young - around 10 or 11 - was when she'd wake up early on a schoolday and then be told that school was cancelled for that day. Because of snowstorms, or any other reasons, like a special Teacher Conference day - It didn't matter. As long as she woke up and got to go back to bed - best feeling ever.

She thought life didn't get better than that then.

Foolish child. She laughs at herself on the inside, and decides that kissing Rachel is definitely at the top of her list of best feelings in the world: no school days, reading a good book while drinking coffee, sharing a bag of gummy worms with Santana after school when they were in high school (and to this day still), having Beth in her arms for the first time.

Kissing Rachel.

Their lips meet and slide against each other's softly and curious. Rachel lets Quinn take control; lets her explore because Quinn is new at this kissing another girl thing and her ego is boost up enormously by knowing how much Quinn wanted this - wants it. Slender fingers run up her neck, into her chestnut hair and she melts at the feeling. They travel down her skin, and over her shoulders, until Quinn is grasping the collar of her vest, pulling her closer.

Quinn could learn to live kissing Rachel. As in, literally live while kissing Rachel. Take a shower kissing Rachel, go to the bank (how much she loves that stupid bank for bringing Rachel to her) kissing Rachel, make lunch kissing Rachel. Never prying their lips apart because they mold so well, like pieces of a puzzle. That missing piece in every puzzle, and when it's found - it just works. And it's a source of great joy.

It's cliche, but it's what happens. A knock on Quinn's window is the only thing that separates them. Neither know how long they've been sitting there, just kissing. Rachel takes a while to crash back down to earth from heaven, but eventually she registers Quinn's husky -huskier now - voice speaking to the police officer. "It won't happen again," Quinn promises with a hint of mischief twirking at her lips and eyes. Rachel nods behind her at the cop, and he gives them a knowing look before parting.

What a fucking kiss. And that was just lips touching - no tongue or teeth involved. That's saying something. Rachel fucking loved it.

She and Quinn exchange a look and then giggles, and they both flush - Quinn gets as red as a beet. "That was so worth it, though." She tells Rachel. "The kiss was... God, Rachel - you're such a good kisser."

Rachel smirks and replies as she starts driving again, "you, too." More words come at her to explain the kiss - fucking fantastic, perfect, majestic - but she settles for a smile. Quinn giggles and pecks her cheek, her lips warm from the kiss.

"We have got to do that again." Quinn says.

"I am definitely not opposed to that," Rachel informs her, opening her right palm for Quinn to hold it. The blonde takes it happily and sets on playing with Rachel's fingers, much like Rachel always plays with hers. "We need an encore of that and soon." Suddenly, she remembers her father asked her to call when they were coming by the restaurant, so she nods at her phone, plugged into the radio, and asks Quinn. "Will you please text my father for me? He's under 'Dad.'"

"Sure," Quinn tells her, letting go of Rachel's warm hold for the cold block of technology. "What would you like me to tell him?" She opens the message app and waits.

"Tell him we're on our way," Rachel says and puts her sunglasses back on. It came off sometime in between taking the exit and kissing Quinn.

"There," Quinn says and smiles at Rachel.

Rachel smiles back, warmth filling her chest just by thinking of everything that's happened in the past day with Quinn - how far they have progressed. "Thank you," she really just can't get over how it's all working out. She misses New York - sure, but Lima is taking ahold of her heart steadfast. More of a specific woman and her daughter, really.

Isn't she lovely-FaberryWhere stories live. Discover now