Chapter 10

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Grace's POV
During the ride, Michonne is talking to Aaron. I don't really pay attention to it but I can see from the corner of my eyes that she's looking at pictures I guess from Alexandria.
Suddenly Michonne skips every picture fast, as if she's looking for something.

I look at her. "Why don't you have any pictures of your people?" she asks Aaron.
"Uh.. I took a picture of the whole group but.." he continues talking. But I don't listen to it anymore, my eyes grow wide and I immediately look at Rick.
"Did you ask him the questions?!" I ask interrupting Aaron.

"No" Rick says.
Michonne looks at Aaron.
"How many walkers have you killed?" Michonne asks.
"I'm sorry, what?" he asks.
"How many?!" she repeats.
"I don't know, a lot" he answers.
"How many people?"
"why?" Michonne asks.
"because they tried to kill me" He says truthfully looking in her eyes.

Rick pulls something out but I couldn't see what it is.
"You're listening to us?!" Glenn snaps.
"I already said I was watching you, yes I was listening that's why I know-" Aaron gets cut off by Rick.
"You people try to put us in a trap! This isn't save!" he yells when suddenly Glenn tries to slow down the car, that's when I hear a loud thump.

There's a herd of walkers and Glenn is driving right through it. We can't see anything because the window is covered with blood.

Then the car stops and Rick gets out, then me and then the rest.
"I don't see 'em" Rick says looking for our group.
Glenn climbs on the roof of the car.
"They're gone! They got away" he says.
"Alright, we'll go back and find 'em" Rick answers.

We go back in the car and Glenn tries to start the engine but it's not working. Glenn tries it over and over again but it doesn't work. The walkers are coming closer.
"We gotta get outta here!" Aaron says in panic.

"No, really?!" I snap at him.
Glenn tries one more time before I get out the car. I walk over to the front of the car and try to pull the walker-arms out of the hood. Michonne gets out the car and helps me.
"They're coming right for us!" I hear Aaron yell. Dammit does he think we don't know that?!
"We know!" I hear Rick snap.
Suddenly there's something in the air. And I immediately know what it is, it's from the fire gun.

Michonne walks over to the car door.
"Did you see that?!" she says before Aaron pushes the door open and she falls to the ground.
"What the fuck?!" I yell running over to Michonne while Aaron is running in the woods.

"You okay?" I ask.
"yes" she says standing up and running after Aaron.
"Michonne!" I yell.
"Michonne leave him! We need to find our people!" Rick yells.
"They saw the light! They think we shot it, that's how we'll find them!" She yells back.

I pull my knife out and start running after her with Rick and Glenn behind me. Suddenly there are a lot of walkers and I start stabbing some.
Rick and Glenn start shooting the walkers.

I feel a cold hand on my shoulder and see a walker. It's just an inch away from biting my neck! I try to turn around and stab it but I suddenly lose my balance and fall to the ground with the walker on top of me. And of course I dropped my knife when I fell.

I try to grab another knife in my holster but the walker is too strong. I'm holding the walker by its shoulders. I bring my right arm down trying to grab a knife, while keeping the walker with my left arm away. I feel my knife and pull it out.

When I'm about to stab the walker it suddenly falls dead on top of me. I push the walker of me and look up to see Rick. He looks at me, checking if I'm okay, and I nod him a thanks. He nods back and continues killing the walkers. That's actually the first time, someone saved my life even though I was about about to kill it.

I stand up grabbing the knife I dropped and continue to stab walkers.
Rick runs out of ammo and I see him pulling the fire gun out.
He shoots a walker and its head starts to light up and some walkers walk over to the light.

"Rick where's Glenn?" I yell.
"I don't know" he says and kills a walker.
Suddenly all walkers fall to the ground and we turn around to see Glenn and Aaron. Aaron drops the gun. "If you wanna tie me up again it's okay but hurry up" he says holding his arms up. I pick the gun up and hand it to Rick.

"We have no time, hurry up we're going that way!" he says pointing to the other direction.
We follow him, and after a few minutes we're on the road.
We look around and there's nothing.
"Where are they?!" I snap at Aaron.
"I don't know" he says out of breath.

"If this is a trap and we don't get back to them, your people are gonna die tonight!" Rick snaps getting in his face.

Then Rick starts walking and we follow him. After a while we hear whistling. We follow the whistle and then I see Dad from far away. He knocks on a door and then walks over to us, as soon as he sees me he starts running over to me.

"Dad!" I yell running to him.
"Grace! I'm so happy you're okay" he says while hugging me tight.
Then I see Maggie, Carl and the others running out of the house.
Carl runs over to Rick and they hug while Maggie hugs Glenn.

"Eric? Eric?" I hear Aaron say looking around. "Eric?". I pull away from dad and look at Aaron confused.
"In here!" I hear someone yell in the house and then Aaron bursts through the door. I look at Rick and he looks just as confused as I am.
He walks into the house with Dad and the others following.

I look around and see Carl.
Carl sees me and runs over to me hugging me. I tense up a little.
He doesn't stop he's still hugging me.
"I'm glad you're okay" he whispers in my ear.
I smile and hug back.
"I'm glad you are okay" I say. We pull away and he stares at me with a bright smile.

Then I see Carol standing at the door with a bright smirk.
"You done lovebirds?" she says with a grin.
Lovebirds? Really?
I walk inside with Carl following behind me.

Carl's POV
It feels so good to have her in my arms even though she's not hugging back.
"I'm glad you're okay" I whisper in her ear. Then I feel her hugging back, and I suddenly have these butterflies in my stomach again just like when she first smiled at me.

"I'm glad you are okay" she says. She actually cares! My heart starts beating fast.
Nope, these things in my stomach aren't butterflies.
They are gunships.

"You done lovebirds?" Carol says standing at the door with a grin. Grace starts walking inside and I already know I'm blushing like an idiot.

Definitely gunships.


Hey guys, I'll be gone for three weeks and I'll probably won't have wifi :(
But I will write a lot of chapters while I'm gone, so when I get back I can post them all, so you'll have a lot to read haha.
So be ready! A lot of things will happen! And I wanna remind you guys, this is just a fanfiction so a lot of things that'll happen in the next chapters didn't happen, and won't happen in the show!
It's just all my fantasy, you know. Haha.
Okay bye, love u guys.

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