Blooded: To Be or Not to Be

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Blog #7:
A wave of red blood and chunks flooded the floor. Girls were hopping on tables, screaming, and guys were smart enough to back up. Except Nick wasn't with the rest of his frat brothers- he was next to LaLa and I.

LaLa: "What the fuck?!" she hollered, jumping to the other side of the room. I was frozen.
B: "Falisha, let me help you up." I said, going to grab her, then pulling away. The blood stained her pretty brown hair and she fell when the wave of blood hit her.
Falisha: "You bitch! You promised me if I helped serve the party you wouldn't do this. You set this up, didn't you?" she asked, with her voice cracking. She was pointing at Kasey and her eyes started to tear up.

At least I think they did. There was blood and shit all over her face so it was kind of hard to tell😂. Ashley and Kasey's snickering broke the silence, followed by mumbling and smiles among the group of frat brothers. I ran over to the closet, grabbed 3 towels and started to clean Falisha up.

She ran out the room and to the bathroom. I followed her to the bathroom, and then LaLa followed behind me. She told us Kasey was her cousin and was just jealous of her. She also said Kasey was fucking most of the frat guys so she persuaded their vote. If Kasey can do that to her own cousin, I don't wanna know what she would do to me if I ever crossed her. I'll just hate her from a distance.

When we left the bathroom, apparently everyone just went to bed because they felt bad about what happened to Falisha. Nick left with most of the frat guys. Only a couple men stayed and they were on the opposite side of the house. I only wondered why (sarcasm). LaLa and I just wanted the night to be over. We went up to our room and Falisha got in the shower.

LaLa: "Her own cousin? That's fucked up." she said, taking off her earrings.
B: "Yeah, that bitch Kasey is certified crazy. Tomorrow's my first day at The Brew and I need sleep." I said, slipping out of my clothes and jewelry. I put on a big red shirt that went my past my thighs and rolled into bed. I was the bottom bunk.
LaLa: "That guy Nick was sweet, wasn't he? I overheard some girls in the hallway talking. I think Nick said something after we left." she said, climbing onto the top bunk.
B: "Isn't that sweet." Dozing off, I let out a big yawn and stretched before closing my eyes.
I faced the wall and laid in the fetal position. Then I heard a click, and now it was dark.


An alarm woke me up this morning. It was my phone buzzing next to me, and the alert said The Brew. It was 7:30 and I lifted my head slowly. My hair was practically choking me, wrapped around my face and neck. I had an hour to get ready and be out the door. I sat on the side of my bed and unnecessarily stared at the floor for 30 seconds.

A part of me wanted to lay back down but I couldn't afford to be bullshitting. I had to make this money and attend classes right after my 5 hour shift. I had all afternoon classes because I needed my mornings for work. The dress code for work was all black so that customers could easily spot employees. I put on black jeans (with rips in the knees) from Urban Outfitters, a black cami and a special edition The Brew hat.

As I was filling in my eyebrows listening to Nicki Minaj, I was looking at my reflection when I looked to the middle of the room through the mirror. Falisha was gone.

LaLa: "Please close the blinds, I have a hangover." she said, sitting up. She startled me.
B: "I do, too. Can't find my shades, though. Falisha's gone."
LaLa: "What'd I tell you? Social suicide. It's a good luck ritual. Whoever the blood falls upon is considered cursed- nobody wants to be around that. Last night was crazy wasn't it?" she said walking over to the mirror. She put her hair up in a bun as I separated my hair into sections. I set up the straighteners when she walked over to the mini fridge by the door and grabbed an orange juice.
B: "What do you remember?" I asked.
LaLa: "The last thing I remember was those guys pouring pig guts over Falisha. Uhh I remember a pitch black closet." I knew what she was hinting at.
B: "Really? What happened?"
LaLa: "I think we were playing 7 minutes in heaven, and it was you and I with some guy."
B: "I think you mean Nick. He sat in between us but there was no closet. I think you dreamed that part." I lied because I didn't want to create awkwardness between LaLa and I. We were cool and I wanted it to stay that way.
LaLa: "Oh. Weird."

I straightened my hair and packed my books for my afternoon classes. I found my glasses in the front of my bag. Then I put a change of clothes in my bag for my classes, grabbed some orange juice and left with 20 minutes left to spare. I couldn't be late on my first day! I hopped in the car and hit the highway. I plugged my phone up to the AUX cord when I started playing with my hair.

I looked over to my right and in the car beside me I could've sworn I saw Ricky- singing and looking forward. Before I could double check the person behind me beeped their horn and distracted me. I adjusted my rearview mirror and within seconds, when I looked to my right again, the car was gone. Couldn't have been him- this highway's mostly college students and he had a white car in high school. Not a grey one.

I pushed away the thought, payed for parking and walked into work only a few minutes late. I'm a fast learner so it took me only 20 minutes to learn how to make frappacinos. Then my boss, Carly, told me to work the register. Carly was fairly young, but not young enough to still be in college.

She had bags under her eyes and rough nails. She was tall, pale and had dry and damaged blonde hair. She looked like she seriously needed a day off. The Brew was a really popular coffee spot off campus, since it was close and a good place to study. I was working hard and after a happy and surprising Nick was next in line to order, I smiled.

B: "You here to see me, aren't you?" I asked. He smiled. "Or to get a  frappacino?"
Nick: "A little bit of both." he said laughing. "Hey uhh, what are you doing tomorrow? Wanna go do something?" he asked.
B: "Sounds good. Hey if you run into LaLa, please don't bring up last night's... just keep the skeletons in the closet." I said laughing.
Nick: "I get it. You don't wanna make it awkward. Well how does 8 sound?"
Old Lady: "Sounds great. People got shit to do. Move along!" she yelled, waving her cane. We laughed and I handed him his change.
B: "That'll work." I said. Ugh, I was fucking up. I was supposed to be ignoring these niggas. Focusing on school and money. No bullshit- but I did like Nick.

I finished my shift, changed in my car and headed to my 3 afternoon classes. In between  breaks I just ate, studied for 15 minutes and then checked Twitter. I couldn't stop thinking about that guy that looked like Ricky. We barely talked during senior year. High school just wasn't our time but I could use a guy like Ricky in my life right now. He ate me out with happiness, whenever I asked. Sometimes I didn't have to ask at all! He also understood me and broke my feelings down in words I couldn't explain. Ricky had a lot of respect for my virginity, too.

It was more than oral sex to me. I thought about DM'ing him on Twitter, but then I just told myself no. A part of me wished that guy in the grey car was him. It's 11 P.M. right now and most of the girls are either studying in the Den or in the gaming Lounge catching up on Pretty Little Liars. I'm excited for tomorrow because Nick's a cute and cool guy. What he did for Falisha was sweet and although Ricky was good for me, he was a bad boy. He was trappin' & making moves, day and night, last time I checked. Nick seems like a good guy all around. Maybe that's what I need.

What do you think about B lying to a hungover LaLa and do you think Nick is right for B? Comment what you think, vote and continue reading for more 💗 thanks for reading along!

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