Seldom Part 1

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Blog #10:
Okay so yesterday I wasn't too drunk nor was I too busy. I was just caught up with Ricky. But I haven't forgotten about you guys and I have about an hour to fill you in on yesterday, the day of the obstacle course, and what happened so far, today.

I was laying in bed, close to a deep sleep but not quite. I could hear what was going on around me like the sounds of the blinds hitting the window because of the wind, and doors slamming. I turned my head and put the covers over my face when an alarm sounded throughout the house and girls started screaming. I opened my eyes and cleared them of guck, then raced out of my bed when I realized it was probably the fire alarm.

LaLa lifted her head with her scarf half way down her face, when Kasey burst threw the door with a silver whistle in her mouth. The sounds of the whistle collided with the alarm sounding throughout the house and I wanted to kick her in the throat. It was too early for that. Most girls were up until 4:00 in the morning finalizing plans for the event and taking showers so we could sleep in longer, the next morning.

LaLa: "Fuck is all that noise? Is it the fire alarm?"
Kasey: "It means get up, ladies. It's game day. That's the morning alarm- the Alpha Delta Phi way."
LaLa: "I didn't sign up for this shit!" she yelled, throwing a pillow at Kasey's head then facing the wall.
Kasey: "LaLa get up right now or I'll remove you from your chapter for a day and put you with Kiesha's." Kiesha's chapter was stuck putting wristbands around people's arm for half of the day until Kasey's (which was mostly juniors) did it for the other half.
B: "Just get up!" LaLa dragged herself from the top bunk, wiping her eyes and taking off her already out of place scarf. Kasey left the room and went to the next one, blowing her whistle even louder.
LaLa: "It's only 8:30. She can't be serious."
B: "Isn't she always?" I asked, walking over to the mirror and my station. I put my hair in a bun and stretched my cheeks in an attempt to look at my pores. I then grabbed my bottle of acne preventer and threw it in my bedazzled basket, which I put around my wrist before walking toward the door.
LaLa: "Where you going?"
Kasey: "I want to see makeup on all of your pretty faces!" she yelled down the halls.
B: "The bathroom. If I lay down again, I'm not getting back up so you mind as well grab your basket and follow me." I felt her throw up her middle finger behind my head.
Kasey: "Iron your shirts too! Alpha Delta's most elite are desirable! Not wrinkled!"

After we got ready it was time for the ladies to grab their things and anything their chapter may have needed, and pile onto the bus to drive over to the soccer field. I was wearing Nike Pro Shorts with pink around the waist, a matching pink shirt, a name tag and black and white Nike Roshes. LaLa was wearing a similar outfit, which I noticed when she sat next to me, whipping her shiny blonde hair over her shoulder.

LaLa: "If they can rent a damn bus why can't they restock on Scooby Doo fruit snacks?"
B: "I don't know but Triple A's supposed to check my car later today. I hope I can make it back to the house in time."
LaLa: "Are you at all excited to see Ricky?"
B: "Yeah, I can't wait."
LaLa: "No, I mean excited. Not up here." she said pointing to my head. "Down here." she said pointing to my crotch. I laughed so hard as she logged into Alpha Delta's snapchat.
B: "Well it's kinda hard to be with all this chaos going on."
LaLa: "Smile." she said, striking a pose for Snapchat.

We pulled up to the soccer field as she added the picture of us to Alpha Delta's story, captioned: We're on our way. Are you 😅? The ladies hopped off the bus one by one and scattered around the field, setting up the beer station and making phone calls to the  catering company. Everybody was busy- there was no room for error.

With only 2 hours to spare, girls ran around setting up and helping out where help was needed. If you were caught on your phone when your chapter didn't do all it could in the eyes of Kasey, she threatened to tell our house mother, Ms. Perkins.

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