Chapter 5

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Let me say something before you read this chapter. I said something in this chapter that set some people off. It wasn't my intention, but it offended some people, and I do appologize. I said that Cheerleaders were dumb which isn't what I think at all by the way. It is the characters thought so don't go off on me. You have to understand that not everyone thinks and believes the same things you do. try to keep cool and just enjoy the story. If it really bugs you that much then don't read this story! simple as that. Please keep a level head or leave now because I'm sick of people getting mad at me for something I don't believe I was a cheerleader! I am not anymore because I don't have time for it. Just remeber that I am human and that I make mistakes so I am sorry

(Louis's PoV)

Alex's first day went better than expected. I watched her hug a boy before she came to the car, and I started to feel protective over her. I know I shouldn't really, but I can't help it. She is my little sister now.

Now that she has another day of school, I am less nervous. Alex walks down looking less scared and nervous as yesterday. As she walks by me, I give her a hip bump. Alex smiles and grabs out milk and cereal from the pantry and fridge. She quickly eats. We have to leave now. I drive Alex to school in my car instead of the van. I drop her off in the front of her school.

"Have a fun day," I call to her as she walks away. I am nervous on the inside.

Alex waves and disappears in the school. I drive back home worried sick. What if something happens and I'm not there to help her? Louis, stop worrying. Alex will be fine.

(Alex's PoV) 

I walk into school nervous. I tried to hide it this morning, and I think it worked. I unpack my books into my locker. A note falls out of it.

The note reads: You piece of shit. I hope you die from starvation because you are obviously anorexic. You are such a whore, and a bitch, and a slut. You are One Direction's item that they use to get good reviews from the press. #bitch #slut #whore.

I would first off like to know who uses hash tags when writing. I bet Brooklyn wrote this. I feel tears prick at my eyes. I shut my eyes tightly to hide the tears. I crumble the note in my hand. I was hoping to have a good day, but I guess that isn't going to happen. I consider skipping my classes. Maybe I could call Liam or Louis and ask them to pick me up. No Alex, you are strong enough to turn the other way and forget about this. But I don't have to take this. But I am bigger than this.

The note is taken out of my hand. I look over and see Addison reading over the note. She has a cold expression on her face. She mumbles some incoherent things under breath. "Brooklyn will pay for this," Addison growls.

"It's okay, Addison," I tell her.

"No it isn't," Addison snaps. "I will hold into this until I figure out how we get back at Brooklyn."

"It isn't good to fight fire with fire," I say. Addison shakes her head ignoring my comment.

"You should get to homeroom," Addison says. She hands me a map of the school and points out where my homeroom is. We go our separate ways.

I am so upset. Brooklyn is a stuck up snob. She deserves whatever Addison is planning for her. I wrap my arms around my books tighter. I have known about Brooklyn for two days, and I already despise her.

I feel someone brush up against me. "Hey," I hear. I look up and see Jacob.

I smile. "Hey," I say back.

"Where is your homeroom?" He asks. I point to the room on my map. Jacob grins like a little kid. "That's my homeroom," he exclaims. "That is awesome."

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