Chapter 29

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“We’re off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of SyCo Records,” Austin and I sing as we skip. I stop and think. “I don’t know the rest of the song,” I say.

“Neither,” Austin laughs. We continue to skip, arms linked.

“Slow down!” Zayn whines.

“Never!” We yell. We go into hyper-skip and go even faster. We make it to the front of SyCo Records. The lads walk up to us. “So uh why are we here?” I ask.

“So Austin can meet Simon, obviously,” Harry says.

I feel Austin tense up beside me. He doesn’t like to meet new people any more than I do. I give him a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry, Simon isn’t that scary,” I think. “Just kidding he is.”

“No, he isn’t,” Liam objects. “Simon has been very nice to us, he’s like an uncle, I guess.”

I turn to Austin. “Just don’t pee yourself. That would be embarrassing,” I smirk.

“You’re awful,” Austin frowns.

“Just a little bit,” I laugh.

“I’m sure however react won’t be nearly as bad as how you did,” Austin sassily responds.

“Is Lou rubbing off on you, too?” I ask with a smirk.

“That isn’t necessarily a bad thing,” Louis says.

“Yes, yes it is,” Zayn says.

Louis rolls his eyes. We head up to the top floor via the elevator. I can tell Austin is antsy. Austin isn’t the person you’d think gets nervous or things like that, but Austin is just like me. From the outside, Austin is like any other teenager, but from the inside, Austin is no different from me. Well, we are twins after all. I give Austin a small smile. He returns one.

“Can we get ice cream after this? And this time I want ice cream, not Frozen Yogurt,” I tell them.

“I thought you liked FroYo,” Liam frowns.

“Oh, no, I do, but every time I am promised ice cream it is always FroYo that I get,” I explain. We step out of the elevator. I have taken this route several times before. I feel my phone buzz from in my pocket. I pull my phone out of my pocket and smile when I see Addison’s name. Austin peaks over the edge of my phone.

“Who is Addison?” He asks innocently.

“My best friend,” I smile. I unlock my phone.

     “Get on Twitter. People love you!

          -Addi <3”

I reply with an “Okidoki” and go to my twitter. I exit out of my messages and go to twitter. I open the app and my newsfeed in flooded with mentions of me. There is a picture of Austin and me hugging that people say is so adorable. Some people have figured out that Austin is my twin that I mentioned in the interview, but other people haven’t seemed to have caught on. I shake my head and laugh. Austin also made his own twitter that has its own flood of newsfeed. I send out a tweet telling people that Austin is my twin brother

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