Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 

(Alex's PoV right after the pizza fight)

I drag Jacob upstairs. We run up the steps before the boys notice us. I'm almost positive that's Liam saw us though. I shut my door and grab a towel from underneath the sink. I get it wet and wipe my face off. Jacob stands next to me. He takes the towel from me. I make a face, and Jacob mocked me. I frown and walk to my closet to change shirts.

"Can I ask you something?" I hear Jacob ask.

I walk back into the main part of my room. "Yeah," I say sitting on my bed.

"When we were six, I asked you to be my girlfriend," Jacob begins. I know where this is going, "and you said yes. When I moved away, we never 'broke up.'"

"And?" I ask.

"Well technically that means you're still my girlfriend," Jacob tell me.

"What are you specifically asking?" I ask. I want to stall as much as possible. I can feel my palms starting to sweat a bit.

"Will you still be my girlfriend?" Jacob asks. I can't speak. Jacob takes my hands and stands me up. Jacob becomes more and more nervous as I don't say anything. "Please?"

I look to the floor. Jacob places his hand under my chin and lifts my head up. A thousand butterflies are released in my stomach when Jacob touches me. His hand slides to the back of my neck. My heart pounds. Can Jacob hear it? Jacob presses his forehead against mine, and he grabs my hand, intertwining our fingers.

"Ally, I have been waiting for the day I saw you again to tell you that I still feel the same way I felt when we were younger," Jacob tells me. My breathing picks up. I am speechless. "So what do you say? Will you still be mine?"

I can't help smiling. I bite my lip. "Yes," I say nodding slightly as I smile uncontrollably. Jacob smiles. He glances from my eyes to my lips. I catch my breath. Another thousand butterflies are released in my stomach. Jacob leans forward and presses his lips against mine softly. I close my eyes, and Jacob pulls me against him. I wrap my arms around his neck. Electricity runs through me as our lips touch. Jacob pulls back and stares into my eyes. The sparkle in his ocean blue eyes release another hundred butterflies in my stomach.

Someone clears their throat, and I jump out of Jacob's arms. I hit my back against my bedpost. I look in the direction of my door, and I see Niall, Liam, and Louis grinning at Jacob and me. My face reddens and so does Jacob's.

"Adorable," Niall says grinning like a child.

"You could have knocked," I say flailing my arm in the direction of the door.

"Then we couldn't have shared this cute moment with you guys," Liam gushes.

"More like ruined it," I mutter. Jacob chuckles.

Louis frowns. "Seriously though," Louis says. He intertwines his fingers together and presses them against his cheek as he bats his eyelashes. "That was adorable."

I roll my eyes. "I need to lock my door from now on," I comment.

"One: we can pick locks," Liam says, "and two: we can break it open."

"Screw you," I mumble.

"You aren't going silent on us are you?" Niall asks. Jacob raises an eyebrow at me. I ignore him.

"That's a great idea," I exclaim. I stop showing emotion and silence myself.

"I'm confused," Jacob announces. I keep a straight face while Louis and Liam chuckle. Niall is the only one watching on to what I'm doing. He gives me a puppy dog face, but I look at the floor.

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