Chapter 12

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Alex's PoV

I climb onto the roof. I hold my song book tight in hand. I want to just get away. I can't get Austin off my mind. He's all I think of right now. I thought I pushed him out of my mind for good, but he just came back. I never thought of him even when I got adopted by the lads. I actually stopped thinking of Austin when I got adopted. I was given a new family that day. I forgot a lot of my past that day, Austin one of the things.

I haven't spoken to the boys since I saw who I think was Austin. I don't want to say it was him because I'm not sure why Austin would have came to our house, or how he even found out where I live. I can't even figure out how Austin would know who adopted me. I can't even think straight. I've been out of it all day.

The lads have been giving me my space. I am grateful that they aren't smothering me with questions and other things like that, but I am a bit concerned as to why they are. Normally, they are very protective over me, but they have been very spacious the whole day.

The reason I came up to the roof is because I needed some fresh air. I haven't had much thinking time lately even though I've had a lot of alone time the past few weeks. I discovered this spot on the roof that I can get to easily a while back, but I never really came up here. Let me be the first to say that it is difficult to climb onto the roof with a cast that goes above your elbow. It is even harder with a book in your hand.

My song book holds all my songs and some of my diaries. I like to keep everything in one book. I haven't had much time to be with my songs because I've kind of lost myself these past few months. I want to get back to all my old song singing. I breathe in the fresh air and lay back against the roof. The stars are shining just as bright as the moon so seeing my book is no problem at all.

I open my book and smile. I flip through the pages of my book, reading the diaries and old songs. I smile at how some of these are so childish and funny. I turn one page and find a note slipped in it. I raise and eyebrow and pull it out.

The note has words written across it in neat cursive.

~'I know your loneliness. I know your pain. Look for words written across the frame'


What the hell? That actually makes no sense. Whoever is trying to contact me should meet face to face with me. So this person understands how I feel on the inside. Why are they telling me to look for words on a frame? I climb down from the roof through the small attic door on the roof. So this frame could be a bed frame or a door frame. Even a window frame.

If this 'A' person is Austin, then, I suspect the door frame. Austin used to climb up a door frame and stay there, just relaxing. I scramble down from the attic quietly. What door frame though? Let's think. Austin usually sat up in the kitchen door frame and his bedroom. He doesn't have a bed room here so I'm going with kitchen.

I creep down the steps to the kitchen. I flip a light on, but I dim it down so the boys won't know I'm up. I scan over the doorways into the kitchen. I see no writing. I double check them, getting very frustrated. Come on, Austin. Give me some easy clues.

I sigh. It's not here. I groan. Where else would Austin have put this clue? For all I know, this could be some creeper playing a game with me. I run a hand through my hair. I pull the paper out again. The frame. It is talking about a specific frame, but Austin was never here and never had a specific frame. Maybe it isn't Austin, but it sure did look like him. It has to be Austin or else I wouldn't know to look in a specific door frame or bed frame or widow frame.

Okay, time to think back to memories of Austin. Arg, I really don't want to, but I know I have to. Austin and frames. Hmm. Austin always climbed up door frames, but he doesn't have a bedroom door frame and there's noting in the kitchen door frames. Maybe I'm just dreaming this. This is obviously a dream.

I shut my eyes tightly. Okay, count to three. One. Nothing. Two. Nothing. Three!

"Alex?" I ask a sleepy voice ask. I open my eyes. I see Niall standing in front of me. I don't say anything. "Why are you up?" He asks.

I have no excuse for this. I scratch my head. I keep my mouth shut. Niall crosses his arms, waiting for my answer.

"I'm not going to lie. I'm looking for a clue," I say. That sound really Scooby Doo-like.

"To what?" Niall asks confusedly. I hand him the paper out of my book. "Aww, you're lonely?"

"That's not important," I snap impatiently. "What is important is for you tell help me find this."

"Alright," Niall hands me the paper back. "So why are you in the kitchen looking for this 'clue' thing? Wouldn't the clue be somewhere where it is lonely?"

I smack my hand to my forehead. Of course! I guess it isn't Austin who wrote this then. "Where is it lonely then?" I ask.

Niall purses his lips as he thinks. "The attic?" He suggests questionable. Of course. The boys don't even go up to the attic. We rush up to the attic. What frame is it talking about?

"Is it a doorframe or a window frame?" Niall whispers.

I shrug. "This is all a bit confusing for me," I confess.

We look at door going into the attic. There is nothing written on it. We climb into the attic. "Whoa," Niall says. He looks around the attic. "I haven't been up here in forever," he breathes out.

"Dude," I laugh.

"Sorry," Niall says shyly. "So now we need to check the windows?" Niall asks. I nod. We check all the window frames. I see a light writing written in the wood. I freeze. I found it!

"Niall!" I yell. Niall rushes over to me. I point to the writing.

"What does it say?" Niall asks.

"It says 'eleven years, three months, and twenty-four days.'" I read. What the hell? This doesn't even make sense. Is it the time from now? Is it an age? This is bull. I can't believe I thought that I could figure this out.

"That doesn't make any sense," Niall comments.

"I know," I retort.

I run my good arm through my hair. I hate this cast. I have had it for almost six weeks now. I have a doctors appointment coming up soon to get my shorter cast. I can't wait to get this weapon off my arm. This clue is the end of what I thought might be the return of Austin. Guess not.


Hey! I posted! Like I said I have lacrosse camp this week, and it really wears me out so I get lazy and don't want to write. I also don't have wifi at my mom's house so I can't post! I'm currently at my grandma's house typing so I will try to post again soon.

I understand that you guys like when I post, but I'm trying my best. Twenty two days was unacceptable, but I can't post everyday. I'm working on posting more and faster, but again, I have lacrosse and I babysit a lot and I'm starting high school soon I'm trying to get ready for that. I will work on posting as much as I can!

I love you guys so much! Hopefully we can get to 200 reads?!:) I love you and hope you have a good rest of your day!



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