Chapter 18

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Alex's PoV

(two hours ahead)

I wake up on a cold, hard, lonely floor. I am aching all over. I feel so broken and lifeless. I can't bear this much more. I don't know what they even want with me! They just beat me, rape me. It isn't fair! I tries to hard in life to be a good girl, and where did that lead me? Straight to hell!

"I see you're awake," Collins approaches me. He doesn't deserve to go by his first name. I shut my eyes. I don't care to see him.

Collins pulls my hair so that I'm standing up against the wall. "You look me in the eye when I'm talking to you," he hisses. I nod, my bottom lip trembling. Collins cocks his fist back and sends it straight into my cheek. I fall to the ground feeling week and useless.

"Hey!" I hear someone yell angrily. "You don't touch her!"

I barely make out a blonde headed kid as he hits Collins straight in the face. Go Blondie! I'm going crazy. I see three other figures. One is smaller while the other two seem to be built bigger. This is my chance! I have to get out of here!

Harry's PoV

(two hours earlier aka back to present time)

Crying. Sobbing. Being useless, as always. It's all I've been doing. It's all I can do. I don't even have the strength to get up at all. I haven't eaten anything besides what Liam's made me eat and drink. Stupid Liam, always watching out for us.

I don't think it is this healthy to be this broken down, but I am. I don't think-I can't think. I haven't thought in a long time. I need to get out of this stupid rut. I can't though. I can't do anything. The only thing I can do is lie here next to Niall. He's the only person I've been talking to. Every time someone comes in here, we both stop talking. I don't know why, but the outside world just seems so harsh and cold.

"Hey, Hazz?" Niall whispers.

"Yeah?" I whisper back.

"Do you think we'll get Alex back?" He asks. I open my eyes and meet his pale, lifeless, blue ones.

My lip quivers. "Of course we will," I say more to myself than Niall. I want to believe that we will get her back. You need to be positive, Harry. Just be positive. I know Niall needs it, and I need it. Niall might not be the youngest, but he still needs the reassurance more than I do. Niall is very innocent like a child which means he is very delicate, making this situation ten times harder for him than me. I still do feel the effects of the situation.

"Niall? Harry?" Liam's voice come in through the door. He sounds frantic.

I hear the door open and close. "Guys, I know you're not going to talk to me, but you might want to come downstairs and see something," Liam sounds flustered and worried.

"Okay," I get up slowly. My head is very dizzy. I haven't stood up in days. I feel very drowsy all of the sudden. Everything goes black for about five seconds. I hold my head as everything becomes clear. I roll of the bed. My feet hit the cold floor. That is when I notice that my room is freezing. Niall doesn't move from his position. I sigh and pick him up. I follow Liam as I carry Niall down the steps.

We get down to the kitchen, and I see a sleepless Zayn, a worried Perrie, a frantic Eleanor, a stressed our Danielle, and Louis who looks so out of everything. I sit down with Niall still in my lap. He is clinging to me, but that doesn't actually bother me.

"What'd you need to show us?" El asks. She rubs Louis's shoulder and kisses his temple.

Liam throws something onto the table. I pull it towards me and look at it. It's a big envelope. Everyone seems shocked and confused. What is this? I glance up at Liam. He motions for me to open it. I open it, and I am surprised to see what I see. It's a bunch of pictures. Some are bright. Some are dark. I lay them out on the table for everyone to see.

Tears full my eyes as I see what they are. They're a bunch of pictures of Alex. One side of a photo is a before of Alex, and the other side is her now. Tears quickly fill my eyes and fall down my face as my heart shatters into a million pieces like never before. I have never felt this depressed in my entire life and so quickly. Alex is broken in the after pictures. She is bruised, hurt, super skinny, and she just looks broken over all. Bruises cover her arms and face. Her arm that she broke is very skinny and weak. Tears start to pour down my face.

Niall takes one glance at the photos and cowards back into my shirt letting himself start to sob. I hold Niall in my arms and rock him back and forth. The girls look at the photos and immediately start sobbing. El has tears streaming down her face as she turns away. Perrie is sobbing in to Zayn's chest. Dani is clinging to Liam trying to not make too much noise. Perrie didn't care about the one neither does Niall.

"What do we do?" I wail.

Louis slowly pulls the pictures towards him. Louis's face hardens as he looks over the pictures. Louis slams the pictures down and stands up angrily as he walks over to the window.

"That's it," Louis growls.

We are a bit confused. "What do you-" Louis cuts Zayn off.

"I'm done with feeling sorry for ourselves. Our baby girl is out there getting hurt, and we're doing nothing! We are sitting here sobbing like little girls when an actual little girl is getting abused and probably so much more. I'm done being completely useless. I'm done!" Louis screams.

"Louis, you need to-" Liam is cut off.

"I swear to god, Liam, if you tell me to calm down I will tackle you to the ground right now," Louis is seething with anger.

Liam throws his arms in the air. Louis is right! We are doing nothing. The police aren't doing anything either. We have to take charge and do something, but what?

"Louis's right," Niall says quietly. No one seemed to hear him right but me.

"What'd you say?" Zayn asks.

"Louis is right!" Niall says loudly. "We are being pathetic and very child-like when right now is the time we need to be more mature than we've ever been yet we aren't doing that; therefor, Louis is right."

"Niall," Louis says calmer than before, "I need your help with something. Come with me."

I let go of Niall. He gives me a hug and runs off with Louis. "What was that about? The two most broken people just got the courage to go do something about it," Zayn shakes his head which is being held in his hands.

New mystery PoV (not the person from last chapter. Little FYI there)

My phone starts ringing. "Hello?" I answer cautiously.

"It's Louis. I need your help," Louis says. He sounds flustered and upset. What's going on? I have known Louis for quite a while, and he's never sounded so distressed before.

"Are you okay? What's going on?" I ask.

"I need you to help me get someone back," Louis says.

I grin. I like doing dangerous things. These sorts of things get your adrenaline running. "Okay, who is it?" I ask curiously.

"I can't say for certain reasons, but I need you to help me," Louis says.

"Where can we meet and when?" I ask.

"How about Starbucks in one hour?" Louis suggests.

I nod. I smack my hand to my forehead after realizing he can't see me nodding. "Sounds good," I say.

"See you then. Niall's coming, too," Louis tells me.

"Okay," I say. We hand up. I run a hand through my hair. Now I just need to get out of this orphanage which shouldn't be too.


Sorry I haven't updated in like a week.....I went to my mom's earlier than I expected and she still doesn't have wifi! It pisses me off........whatever! I'm updating now!:))))



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