Chapter 16

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Alex's PoV

I wake up in a dark, cold room. I feel drowsy and feel like the whole room is spinning. "Nice to see you're awake, Alexandra," I hear a deep, raspy voice say. I jump. A tall figure approaches me. "My name is Maxwell Collins," the man introduced yourself.

As he comes into view something clicks in my mind. This man shot me! He is the reason my dad is dead! He is the reason I lost contact with my brother. Anger boils inside of me. "I see you remember me," Collins grins. He takes a step towards me. I scoot back till I hit the wall. He leans against me and grabs my hips. "I'm going to enjoy you," he whispers into my ear, his sickening breath trickling down my neck.

I gag. Collins starts kissing my neck. I feel the urge to throw up all over him. "You're all mine, and the best part is," Collins grins, "no ones here to save you."

Louis's PoV

This is my fault. This is my fault. I'm not even kidding one bit. There might be no remotely possible way that this is my fault, but I know it is. I'm the oldest, I'm the closet to Alex, I should have protected her. I didn't. I failed Alex, and I don't know if I'll ever make it up to her.

I have just broken. Between Alex's life story and the tension already there in our life, this has pushed me over the edge. We could have just lost Alex. We can't lose Alex! She my sister/daughter. Alex is such an amazing girl. She is funny, pretty, and overall very nice. Sometimes she can be a little demon, but it's her personality and I wouldn't have Alexandra any other way. I don't even feel like I deserve to call Alexandra Alex anymore. I failed her for crying out loud! I failed, and there is no fixing it.

"Lou," Liam whispers as he holds me in his arms. This only causes me to cry harder. "Louis, we can't sit here. We need to find her!"

I cry even harder as seconds go by. I can't even describe how empty and heart broken I am. I don't think anyone, but Alexandra, could fix me right now. Before we adopted Alex, the lads and I just dragged on, being immature and careless, but Alex straightened us out. We have changed for the better, and we can't lose our reason for that now.

"H-how-ow?" I hiccup.

"I don't know, but we will," Liam strokes my cheek.

Alex's PoV

I lay on the ground feeling disgusted and exposed. I curl up in a ball and hold my stomach. My stomach hurts so badly. I feel the urge to throw up. I want to throw up, but there's nothing in my stomach to throw up. I just gag on my own spit and mucus.

I'm so cold. The concrete ground gives me no warmth. I just want to get up and run out of this place, this living hell, but I know my legs aren't strong. There's no telling if I can really move at all. I shiver as I think back to previous events just hours ago. A few hours ago, I was with my family. A few hours ago, Collins took my only hope away. A few hours ago, I lost my innocence which really enraged me.

I want to scream and shout and take everything out on Collins, but I know I'm too weak. I know I can't do anything. I am weak. I've always been weak, though. I've never really had the will to move on yet I did. I somehow moved on. I need that willpower more than anything right now, and I don't have a bit of it. Just when I thought I was strong again, the bitch we call life decided to push me back to the ground to prove how weak I am. Life wants me to lose, but I'm not going down without a fight.

I try to lift myself off the ground, but my arms cave from underneath me. I smash my face into the ground. My arm is still weak from when I broke it, and now my arm is even worse. I hear laughing. Is that just in my head? Life is just laughing at me. It's laughing at me, taunting me, wanting me to fail. I can't fail. I won't fail.

I try again to get up, but I fall back to the ground. I start breathing hard. I can feel anger pulsing through my veins. I can't lose. I am a fighter. My dad was a fighter, and so am I. I get up on my knees. I can do this. I am strong. I am powerful. I am strength.

I get to my feet shakily. I need to be strong. I am strong. I take a step. "What do you think you're doing?" I hear Collins ask, amused.

I open my mouth, but before I can say anything, Collins kicks my feet out from under me. I smash my face into the ground. I don't even feel the impact. Why didn't I feel that? "You are weak," Collins spits at me. "No one even loves you anyway. If they did, someone would be here to help you."

Collins kicks me in the stomach repeatedly. I start coughing up blood. "You are worthless. No one even loves you. You are ugly, fat, and stupid so why would anyone like you?"






Collins kicks me so hard in the stomach that I start to throw up blood. I can't even breathe. Oh god! I can't breathe. I keep throwing up that I have no time to breathe. I am so dizzy and out of the proper necessities that I can't think straight. I finally stop throwing up and have time to breathe. My breaths are shaky and uneven.

What did I do to deserve this? All I ever did was try to fit in. I just wanted to have a normal life. I wanted to be one of the girls who was pretty and had nice things, and when they went home, they were greeted by their mom who gave them a hug and kiss. My mom worked all day to help make ends meet. My dad was drunk by the time he got home so I never got that from him.

Why am I so messed up? Why can't life be good to me?


Ahhh!! Okay, so I hope this chapter came out good because I have actually never written anything so dark and well you know this chapter. Okay so I am sorry I haven't updated for two weeks, but I have been busy with Colorado and I have had writers block for the last two weeks anyway.

I know this chapter is short too but I'm trying okay?

And @Kat_loves_1D_ I love your theory. It's a very good one and points for getting close to my chapter. I guess you kind of got it. I'm glad you're thinking about that story! It really makes me smile and helped me get past my writers block. No joke. I kind of already had what I wanted to do in my head and the first part of your theory really helped me straighten it out.

I'M FREAKING OUT! 830+ reads!!!!! I'm spazzing out over how it went up by 100 reads in a day! I want to thank you guys so much because you're all making my dreams come true! Cheesy...I know but you are!

I love you all so freaking much! Have a happy tuesday!



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