Chapter 34

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Alex’s PoV

Guess who had to have their twitter account taken away? Me! You know why? Take a guess. I bet you can guess it. What’s that? Because we released that I am pregnant recently? Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner! So basically, the lads released in an interview that I am pregnant. I was too scared to show up with them so I stayed home. I have really been avoiding public, but the lads have their tour starting today so avoiding public is no longer an option. Everyone thinks I am a slut, but I don’t blame them. If I were them, I would be thinking the same thing. Truth is, I’m not, but they don’t believe the story we told them. We told the truth, like Simon advised, but they s till think it’s just a cover-up. Fine, they can be that way, I don’t really care. Okay, I do care, but not that much. They can waste their breath on me if they so desire to do so.

I am about twenty four weeks pregnant, and it sucks. I am so moody, and I want to eat the weirdest shit. The lads are practically walking on eggshells around me, which is stupid if you ask me. I just want them to treat me normally. Louis is the worst. He doesn’t even know how to talk to me anymore. It’s like I am some stranger, and it hurts. Ever since he has walked out of the room when I told him I am pregnant, Louis hasn’t been the same. Eleanor keeps trying to talk to him, but it’s no use. Louis just isn’t the same around me anymore and it hurts a lot.

So, here is how the next few weeks will work. I will avoid as much public contact as I can, and I will be locked up in the tour bus until everything dies down because it’s been two weeks and everyone is flipping out. So we leave for the tour later today after I have my scanning of the baby! I am so excited for that! It’s unbelievable. This baby has really grown on me to be honest. I feel so connected to it, but my stomach is getting bigger and bigger. It is so noticeable. I feel like I am carrying around a huge bowling ball all the time. I am so afraid I am going to fall on my face or something like that. It is scary.

The only problem with going to the screening is that I have to take one of the boys with me since they are my legal guardian, and I don’t know who to take since everyone is so awkward around me now. I feel like a stranger. Austin, Eleanor, Perrie and Danielle are the only comfortable one around me, and they aren’t my “parents.” Okay, Danielle isn’t totally comfortable around me, but she is better than the boys. I don’t see why everything has changed. I am about to scream at someone. I know being pregnant should be a special happy time, but I don’t always feel like that.

So decision time. Who to choose… well…this is hard. I wish I could just take Perrie and Eleanor because they understand me most. They seem to be the only people who get why I am like this or why this happened. It is frustrating to try and explain why I am acting like this in front of the lads or why I am so moody. I’m sorry, did you forget I am pregnant. I guess you did. Let the bowling ball attached to me be the reminder. Jesus… this will be my second screening since I am in the second trimester of the pregnancy. I can figure out the sex of the baby if I want today, but I don’t know if I want to know. Let it be a surprise if you know what I mean. Eleanor keeps blabbering on how she wants to be the God mother, and Perrie gets in arguments with her about wanting to be the God mother. It’s actually really funny.

I remember the first time I felt the baby kick. I was flipping out. I was watching a movie with Perrie and Eleanor, just relaxing and talking. I was midsentence when I felt something sort of swim around my stomach I guess. It was weird because I had kind of noticed it before, but I never really paid attention to it, thinking it was hunger pains. I felt it stronger than before. “Something wrong?” Eleanor asked. I placed my hands on my stomach so that I could feel it better.

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