Chapter 36

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Dedicated to Kat_Loves_1D_ because she has been here since the beginning and i know that, and i appreciate everything she has said, and she has commented so many nice things. sorry that this dedication is late, but i felt is was necesarry since we reached 60K. Holy mother of run on sentences........... Thanks again to Kat_Loves_1D_ (hopefully i got you name right) you are amaZAYN! i hate myself for saying that but whatever. YOLO....i need to stop....

I would appreciate it if you read this. I am crying. Our Story have reached 60K reads....i'm practically sobbing here! it means so much to me those of you who have read all the way to this chapter! i love you all so much. There are so many sweet people I would like to thank but there isn't enough room on wattpad. I am crying. this story has gotten so far and i would like to thank each and every one of you for helping my dream of being an author come to life. I love you all so dearly.

I was at school and I saw that I had 60K reads. I jumped up and down repeatedly, and then I tried not to cry. You are all my best friends...haha. i remember sitting at my mom's house back in april i think it was and going onto my wattpad account and seeing that i had THREE reads. now i have Three hundred people contantly reading and 60K overall. GUYS I LOVE YOU ALL. I am still starstuck. I can't even begin to believe how far i have come and it is all thanks to you guys.

to thank you i would just like to say that if you ever need anything at all, i will be here to help you to the best of my ability. 

to celebrate,  here is an update. i know it isn't  ery good, but i needed to update asap and i wanted to celebrate 60K reads. here is some fluffy moments! hehe


Alex’s PoV

I plop down on the couch of the tour. I finally get to sit. The day has been so eventful. I went to my screening, I had a meeting with the boys’ management, I had an interview, and now I get to sit on the couch of the tour bus. This baby bump is really getting annoying and I’m not even that big yet. I think I’m about half way through this pregnancy. Yeah, this is going to be a long last few months. I am really emotional and have weird food cravings. It’s really annoying to say the least. I just want to have this baby already. I know I need to be patient, but it’s hard to when I am pretty much the most impatient person ever created. Not even kidding.

The boys come in and sit down near me. I sigh and run a hand through my hair. Austin comes into the bus practically skipping. “Someone’s happy,” I laugh.

“Maybe,” Austin shrugs like it’s no big deal.

“Tell me all the details!” I squeal sitting up straight.

“There isn’t much to tell,” he says. I can see behind Austin’s mask. He is so excited underneath. I had Addison tell me all the details already so I know he is lying.

“That isn’t what Addison said,” I inspect my nails trying to not look at Austin or else I won’t be able to keep this straight face up.

“What did she say?” Austin asks, bursting with a sudden excitement.

“I don’t know what did she say?” I sass back with a grin.

Austin frowns and rolls his eyes. “I hope she didn’t say anything about the kiss,” Austin mumbles so low that I almost can’t hear it.

“Oh she went into depth about that,” I wink at him. Austin turns bright red.

“What did she go into depth about?” Harry asks laughing. He leans forward and rests his arms against his knees.

“The kiss,” I whisper/shout. Austin jumps forward and covers my mouth. This causes everyone to look up at Austin and me. They all burst out laughing, including me.

“Shut up,” Austin mutters.

“Its okay, Austin. Alex got tormented, too,” Zayn assures him. Austin rolls his eyes and curls up into a ball on the couch. I laugh at his shyness.

“Alex, can we talk?” Louis asks. I sigh and nod. I get up and follow him to the other lounge. I sit down on the couch and make myself comfortable. Might as well. Louis sits next to me and stares at his lap, trying to gather the courage to say what he needs to say.

“I—over the past few months, I haven’t been the best dad figure, and I’m sorry. I—I was just scared. I knew how the media would react to this, and I was scared that you were scared. I was scared that you would come to me for advice and I knew that I couldn’t give you that advice. I knew any of the other lads could easily do that. I’m so sorry. I know I am giving excuses, but I didn’t know what to do, then I felt guilty for running off like that and I figured that you would hate me so I kept a distance from you. I know we all have, but I’ve never been in like a situation like this before so I wasn’t sure how to handle it. I just felt that since I was the oldest that I would be seen as having all the answers and I don’t,” Louis has watery eyes, and a tear manages to drip down his cheek. I feel my heart ache and break.

“Louis, I know you were scared. I was scored than you were. I am still more scared then you will ever be, but that doesn’t mean you can run off. I’m not mad at you at all. I was never mad. I was more hurt that anything. I needed you most and you left. Do you know how much that hurts me?” I have tears running down my cheeks like a river. I’m surprised that I am not sobbing and have a shaky voice. “I see why you did what you did, but I was hurt and my own brother turned away from me. You know who I had? Your girlfriend, Zayn’s girlfriend, and Liam’s girlfriend. My own family didn’t have my back. It’s not like I went around screwing people. This isn’t smoothing I thought or dreamed would ever happened. I wanted to be thirty when I had my first child. Maybe a little younger, but not half that age. I need you now, Louis,” My voice finally breaks and I fall into a fit of sobs.

“I’m so sorry,” Louis repeats over as he pulls me into his lap and nuzzling his face into my neck. His heavy tears pour down my neck.

I just nod, unable to trust my voice.

“I will be there.”




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