chapter 27

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Alex’s PoV

So here I sit at home doing absolutely NOTHING with the life I don’t have. Yeah, it’s pretty depressing. The whole world knows what a screw up I am. They should take a dose of “back the fuck off” and go live their life. Don’t get me wrong. I love fans of One Direction; I just hate when they hate me. Do you think I give a fuck about what you think? I do not give a fuck! Not a single fuck was given by me. Suck on that, bitches. I need to lay off on the sugar and take a nap. I’ve kind of been a snappy bitch like all day to the lads, and they have done nothing to deserve that. I don’t think they really know why I’ve been like this, but I don’t feel like telling them. Plus, they’re all mad that I lied to them or whatever. Oh get over it! Im not even in the mood to deal with anything so that I why I am sitting on my bed letting Addison braid my hair. I like it when people play with my hair.

“I saw the interview,” Addison tells me.

“Yeah, now everyone gets to see how screwed up my life is and was,” I say.

“You’re fine. Everyone’s life is screwed up in some way,” Addison shrugs. She undoes my braid. I sit up and give her a serious look. “Plus, it shows you’re strong. Like a warrior!” Addison yells.

“Who gave you sugar?” I ask, eyeing her carefully.

Addison starts laughing. The thing I like a lot about Addison is her laugh. It’s so loud and obnoxious. I laugh along with her. “Okay, I want food,” Addison gets up and walks out of my room. I laugh and follow her. “”Hurry up!” Addison whines.

I run and catch up to her. “Slow down. Physical exercise is not my thing,” I whine.

“Oh, shut up. I’ve seen you run. You’re like a cheetah!” Addison giggles. I follow her into the kitchen. Addison immediately goes to the pantry and finds a bag of chips. I laugh and follow her to the family room. “Oh my god. Where do you people buy your chips?!” Addison exclaims.

“You’re so weird,” I comment.

“Oh Alex,” Harry sings.

“Oh Harry,” I sing back. All five lads step in front of the TV. I frown.

“We have a surprise for you!” Niall exclaims.

“Oh do you now?” they nod. “Well, I’m not in the mood for a surprise you should try and get me at a better time.”

“Aw, but you’ll like this surprise, I promise,” Zayn joins in.

“AH! I want to know the surprise. Alex, just ask what the surprise is! The suspense is killing me,” Addison exclaims.

“I’m not in the mood,” I get up to walk away, but Addison slams me back on the couch. I groan.

“We want you to officially meet our girlfriends first,” Liam tells me.

I sigh. I don’t actually care to meet them. I’m sure they’re wonderful girls, but I’m still not in the mood. I’ve met Eleanor, and she is super pretty. It’s not fair. So, Liam has a girlfriend, and Zayn also has a girlfriend. I glance at Addison. She shrugs and gives me a ‘why not’ look. I narrow my eyes at her. “Would you excuse us for a moment?” Addison drags me into the kitchen without getting a response from the lads.

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