Chapter 17

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Perrie's PoV

I sit on the edge of the bed next to Zayn. Harry just can't stop crying, and Zayn's eyes are brimmed with tears. I feel the lads pain for them, but I can't even begin to imagine how horrible this must be. I never met Alex, but Zayn has told me all about her. She sounds wonderful. I hope I get the change to meet her. I know Dani and El hope they do. We all wanted to meet Alex, but the lads didn't think it was too good of an idea since Alex is supposedly difficult around new people.

I take Zayn's hand and run circles into his hand with my thumb. Harry won't look at either of us. "Talk to us, Harry," Zayn pleads.

"What's their to talk about? That's right. Nothing," he grumbles.

"Harry," I nudge his leg a bit.

"Shut up," Harry mumbles.

My jaw drops in awe. "You're better than that. Talk to us," I beg.

Harry rolls away from us. "I will get Liam on your ass," Zayn pokes Harry's leg.

"He's busy with Niall who is no different than me," Harry whines as he continues to cry.

"Then we'll go get him," Zayn says. I am confused as to why he would get Niall. Zayn comes back carrying Niall bridal style. He lays him next to Harry who immediately clings to him. Zayn stands me up and leads me out of the room. "Let's leave Harry with Niall. They'll do better together."

I nod. Zayn and I go lie down in his bed. I snuggle up against him. I can feel how uneasy Zayn is. "Everything's going to be alright, baby," I whisper. Zayn nods half heartedly.

Niall's PoV

It has been two days since Alex went missing. The police is doing an investigation on the whole

Case. I have actually been a nervous wreck along with an emotional wreck which isn't pretty either. I have been crying in Liam's lap since them. Even his encouraging words do nothing.

"Niall," Liam singings.

I don't respond. I actually haven't talked at all. I love Alex, and I don't want to lose her. Not talking seems to be the only thing to help. It is a crappy escape from reality, but it has been working.

"Niall, look at me," Liam says. I continue to ignore him. Liam pulls me into his lap. I stare down at my lap. Liam uses his two fingers to lift my chin up. "Talk to me, Ni," Liam strokes my cheek.

"I-I-I'm scared," I stutter quietly.

Liam grimaces. "Why?" He asks as he softly runs a hand through my hair.

I nuzzle my head in his neck. "I don't want to lose Alex," I start crying again.

Liam makes me look in his eyes. "Niall, we are not going to lose Alex," he says very seriously.

I want to believe what Liam is saying because I know we are going to get her back, but there's still that doubt in my mind. I know I shouldn't be doubtful, but it is hard not to be in such a hard time of crisis. I need to be optimistic especially now, but it's so very hard. I am so heart broken that I can't. I don't even know how Liam isn't a mess like the rest of us. The only people who haven't fallen apart yet are Liam and Zayn. Louis is an absolute mess, and Eleanor is upstairs trying to comfort him as we speak. Zayn and Perrie are with Harry trying to get him to do something besides sob in his bed.

I nod. Liam gives me a fake smile. I nuzzle my head back into Liam's neck as I hold back tears. This has been my life for the past few days.

Zayn comes down the steps. "I need Niall," he says to Liam. Liam is a bit hesitant to hand me over, but he sighs as he hands me over to Zayn. Zayn carries me bridal style upstairs. Liam watches us all the way upstairs. I feel kind of bad, but I don't even feel like I'm in my own body. I feel numb and lifeless. Zayn brings me into Harry's room. Perrie is sitting on the edge of his bed.

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