Chapter 33

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What better way to celebrate 40k then with an update?!?!?! Enjoy my lovelies

Alex's PoV

I watch Zayn with horrified eyes. Shit! When did he get in here? I am in deep shit! I at least wanted to explain what happened before I told them I am pregnant. I mean honestly. Now, I bet Zayn for sure hates me. Why wouldn't he? The look on his face confirms it. I feel tears come to my eyes as my bottom lip starts to quiver. "I swear I'm not a slut," I cry out. I break down into sobs for the millionth time today. I need to get my emotion under control.

Zayn just stares at me with a blank expression. "Well?" he asks calmly, but I can tell that he is hiding his emotions. He is angry, and I know it. I let out a shaky breath. "Alex! Say something!" he raises his voice.

"You don't understand," I shaky my head.

Zayn gives me this amused look. "Please, humor me," Zayn folds his arms, dropping the test on the bed.

I take a deep breath. Can I really tell Zayn without him judging me? I mean he hates me already so why not see if we can keep it up. "I was raped," I say, trying to hide all emotion.

"W-what?" Zayn stutters, stumbling backwards. The disgust is there, I know it.

"Jacob...he raped me."

"THAT LITTLE FUCKER!" Zayn yells loudly. I flinch backwards. I didn't expect that. I feel my lip tremble once again. "I will kill that little prick if I ever get my hands on him!" Zayn yells.

He turns for the door. "No! Don't go down there!" I run and stop him.

"Why not? We need to tell them down there, we need to tell the police!" Zayn exclaims.

"It's embarrassing! You can't say anything, not yet at least," I plead.

"How much longer do you plan on hiding this? You have had enough time," Zayn gives me a look that makes me know he is right, but I can't tell everyone else yet. They will only judge me.

I look at the ground. When I look up, Zayn is gone. "NO!" I scream. I run down the steps as Zayn stands in front of everyone. Eleanor looks at me to confirm what he is probably going to say. I nod sadly.

"Alex, don't you have to say something?" Zayn asks. Everyone turns and looks at me.

"What the hell, Zayn? I thought I could trust you, you idiot!" I scream.

"Could you try and be mature for once because this is a serious subject!" Zayn yells back.

"Obviously! I'm not stupid, like you!" I yell. "I thought that I could trust you!"

"You didn't tell me in the first place. I thought I could trust you. I had to find out on my own," Zayn screams.

"What is going on, you two?" Liam stands up, cutting off our argument.

"Alex is-"

"Zayn!" I cry out. "I thought you wanted me to tell them!"

"I will tell them if you don't," Zayn crosses his arms.

I bite my bottom lip and start to chew on it. "Alex?" Louis asks.

I feel tears come to my eyes. "I-I can't," I whisper. I turn and run upstairs. If Zayn wants to tell them, then so be it. I crawl under my covers after locking my door. I don't ever want to move again.

"Eat!" Eleanor pokes me.

"No," I whine.

"Please! It isn't healthy for you or for the baby," Eleanor says. I glare at her. She would bring up the baby. I sigh and sit up. "Yay!" Eleanor cheers.

"Yeah, yeah," I wave dismissively. Eleanor hands me a sandwich. I take a bite of it, and it tastes amazing.

"You know, you need to get your Halloween costume soon," Eleanor smiles.

"What makes you think I wasn't to go somewhere for Halloween, let alone get a costume?" I ask.

Eleanor frowns. "Because we will miss you if you don't go," Eleanor rubs my arm. I finish I off my sandwich. Okay, that was really good. I still don't want to go to this Halloween party. It sounds awful and boring.

"I don't want to go. Please leave me alone while I go back to living my sad, depressing life," I groan.

"You need to tell the boys," Eleanor says. I let out a whine. "It's only fair."

I feel my stomach do a flip. I jump out of bed and run to the bathroom. I empty out the contents of my stomach. I hate throwing up. Morning sickness also sucks. I know you're probably wondering why the hell I had a sandwich in the morning, but I've been craving sandwiches. I feel myself throw up again. I cough up some mucus. I feel so gross.

"Alex," Eleanor rubs my back. "It's time to tell them."

I nod, finally giving in. I've spent enough time hiding it from them. Eleanor smiles and hands me a towel. Lets get this over with.

"So I never told you what really happened while I was kidnapped," I begin.

I am sitting on the ottoman in the family room with everyone gathered around. This time, though, Eleanor is my moral support, not Harry. I can tell by the looks on everyone's face, they know something is wrong. I didn't want to ever have to tell them, but it needs to be done. I feel awful that they have to ride this roller coaster with me, but there isn't a thing that they can do about it now. Besides disowning me...lets not think about that. Austin sits on my right and has a protective arm around me. He hasn't said a word to me since he found out I am pregnant, but he has still held me.

"Uhm, I didn't want to have to tell you guys this ever, but umm..." I look over at Eleanor. She gives me a small smile and squeezes my hand.

"How is it that my girlfriend know, but we don't?" Louis asks.

"I know," Zayn pipes in.

"Same," Perrie and Danielle speak up.

"Well, isn't that lovely. Niall, Harry, do you know as well?" Liam asks, his voice dripping with venom.

"Oh shut up," Zayn rolls his eyes.

"Wow Zayn," Liam rolls his eyes.

"Don't be a baby."

"I'm a baby? I am more-"

"SHUT UP, YOU TWO!" I scream. "This is a serious matter, and you two are acting like children. So if you are going to act like children, then you can leave."

"Sorry," them mumble.

I run a hand through my hair and sigh. "So while I was kidnapped, there was some bad things that happened," everyone nods in agreement. Everyone nods in agreement. They don't even know half of it. I take a breath before continuing. "I-I-you have to promise not to get mad at me or go on a rampage when I tell you this."

"We won't," they all promise at different times.

I feel my breath become shaky, and my chest starts to tighten. "Jacob-he raped me," I turn my attention to the floor. Everyone catches their breath, and the room goes dead silent. Nobodies moves. Nobody knows how react since I have admitted it to more than just two people. It sounds so weird to say.

"A-are-are know?" Harry asks, breaking the silence.

I nod slowly. I don't want to look at any of their ashamed faces. "I'm...pregnant," I whisper. I hear someone get up and leave. I look up and see Louis's spot empty. The garage door slams. Oh my god, he actually is disgusted with me. Fuck! And that fact that it was Louis really hurts. I feel like he was close test with me. I guess not.

I try and hold back my whimpers, but I break down into sobs. I feel Austin's grip on me tightens. "It's going to be okay," he whispers calmly. I nod slowly. That's the first thing he has said to me all day.

No one else really says anything to me. I look up at the lads through my testy eyes. "We should probably let you figure this out as a family," Danielle says. Eleanor nods and says she will go find Louis. Danielle gives me a hug as well as Perrie.

"I'm so sorry about how I acted the other day," Perrie whispers as she hugs me. "It was wrong of me to judge so quickly and I admire you strength. You are amazing and I am so sorry."

"It's okay," I give her a small smile. Perrie nods and bites her lip. She smiles and leaves with Danielle.

I look back at the boys. Surely they hate me like Louis. "We don't hate you, and Louis has his reasons for running off like that, but it doesn't mean he hates you," Liam says. Oops said that out loud.

"Why didn't you tell us sooner?" Harry asks.

"I was scared," I whisper.

"Of what?" Zayn asks.

"You guys hating me," I let out a shaky sob.

"Alex! We could never hate you!" Niall cries, tears are falling down his cheeks.

"Then why did Louis leave?" I sob harder. "I thought that he would be closest by my side during this!"

"He's probably scared," Liam says.

"He's scared? I'm fifteen and pregnant. That's scary," I scoff.

They nod in agreement. "So what do we do?" Austin asks. That is really the question on everyone's mind.

HAHA! CLIFF(ish)HANGER MOTHER TRUCKERS!!!!!!!!!! okay it really wasn't but I thought it would be a good place to stop.

So how ya been?? Good good. well I am officially (overall) at 41k reads so I decided to celebrate with an update!!!! PARTY IT UP!!!! even if it is late

This is exciting stuff guys! I'm so proud of us! I feel like it was just April when I started this story (yes it was that long ago) and I was praying for it to get somewhere. I remember jumping up and down when I got 1k reads even 3k reads. I'm pretty sure I have screenshots of it. Well thank you so much guys.

And in case your wonder I do NOT plan on ending this story soon. It may change if I decide that I want to do a sequel but we will see!!! Comment if you want a squeal though!!! Because how I am already thinking about one since I just mentioned that...

Have a good night sleep my lovelies and a happy Monday tomorrow!!

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Also if you want to chat or have a problem and need to talk to someone then I AM YOUR GAL! But serious I don't judge.

Kik me @bellaboo28 (Yes I like the name bellaboo if you haven't notice *cough cough* my wattpad username *cough cough*)


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