Chapter 11

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I slam the door behind me as I walk in. I'm sick of being home alone all the time. The lads have been at the studio or meetings or interviews for the past few weeks every time I come home. Addison has been dropping me off. She's an amazing friend. She's so calm when around the lads which makes me happy because she treats them and me like normal people. Other people treat us like celebrities which gets very annoying. The paparazzi has been getting on my nerves a lot lately. I was forced to start wearing make-up in case of the paps takin unexpected pictures of me which is always when they take photos.

Jacob has been an amazing boyfriend. He has helped me a lot with my arm, and Jacob even brought me flowers once which made me blush crimson red. I smile at the thought. I have the perfect boyfriend and best friend. I have the perfect brothers/dads expect for the fact that I'm home alone more often, but I've learned to live with the fact that they have lives too.

I set my backpack on the table. There is a note on the fridge from Liam saying that they are at practice and won't be home till seven. I sigh and walk to the family room with my phone in hand. I watch TV for a while. I zone out and think about my new family when I start thinking about my old family. How I miss them. I miss my dead parents, but I especially miss Austin over any family. I start tearing up. I hear a thud, and I snap out of my trans. I clutch to my phone as I stand.

I walk to the steps. I peek down the hallway of rooms. Everyone's door is closed but Liam's door. I bring the number pad up on my phone in case I need to call the authorities. I creep down the hallway quietly. I peer around the doorway in Liam's room. Nothing is touched. Everything is in perfect place. What did I hear then? I know I hear something. Nothing looks like it fell.

Liam's windows are open which I find odd. He never leaves his window open. The curtains are flying into the room like they would be in a scary movie right before the victim gets attacked. I glance behind me to make sure no one is there. It is a stormy day, but it isn't raining. The room is rather dark. I try to flip the lights on, but they don't work. I frantically try to turn them on.

I call Louis. I can't take this anymore. I beg that he picks up. "Hey, Alex," Louis says. I'm pretty sure he sighed

"Please come home," I beg, "now," I add quickly.

"Why? What's going on? Are you okay? Do I need to call the police?" Louis asks frantically.

"Please, just come home. I don't know why, but I feel like someone's in the house. I just need someone else here," I say. I sound like a child right now. I don't like when I'm scared, but I can't help it right it. I want someone else here to protect me.

"What happened?" Louis asks seriously. I hear a noise from the closet. I turn in the direction. I see a figure in the closet.

"Who's there?" I ask, trying to stay calm.

The figure laughs. I know I should be freaking out that someone is in my house, but I feel a safeness coming from the person. All my fears are washed away when I see this person and hear them laugh.

"You never know who you can trust," they whisper.

"Alexandra?!" Louis yells frantically through the phone. I left my arm fall to my side.

The figure steps out of the closet. They have a hood up so I can't see who they are. They look up from their feet. I can see their blue eyes glowing. I am taken back by this. I stumble backwards. I can tell that this is a male, but he's younger. Maybe my age.

"Take that bit of advice into consideration," he shrugs. He takes off for the open window. I catch a glimpse of his bright, blonde hair. I run after him.

"Austin?" I yell in confusion, but he is long gone.

Louis's PoV

"Alexandra?!" I yell through the phone. She won't answer. The lads give me a confused look. "Answer me!" I yell again. I am getting frustrated and worried. What's going on?

The call is ended by Alex. "We have to go," I stand up.

"But we are recording a song," Harry protests.

"That can wait because Alex needs us when I asked her what was going on, and then she stopped talking and ended the call," I say.

The lads all give in, and we leave. I drive home quickly. I pull into the driveway and run inside. "Alex!" I call frantically through the house. There is no answer. "Alexandra!" I shout.

"Where is she?" Liam asks as he bursts into the house. I can feel tears welling up in my eyes.

"I don't know," I shakily say. "She isn't answering my calls."

"She's somewhere in this house," Niall assures me.

"How do you know?" I ask. I feel a tear slip down my face.

"Alex," we all yell as we split up. These four months with Alex have definitely been an awakening to our mature side. The lads and I have never had to be that mature until we adopted Alex. From then on, we have been more mature than all the times we've been mature ever all added up. Alex needs an adult to watch out for her, and she needs moral support even though she won't admit it.

I find myself wandering upstairs. I'm not really sure how I got here. I find all the doors closed except Liam's door. I run down to his door. I swing into his room and find Alex standing there. I rush up to her.

"Alex, are you alright?" I ask. She doesn't respond to me. I shake her a bit. "Alex, can you hear me?"

Alex's eyes slowly lock with mine. I am looking down on her. She doesn't respond. "Can you hear me, Alex?" I ask slowly.

She nods slowly. "What happened?" I ask.

"Austin," she whispers.

"Who's Austin?" I ask curiously yet cautiously.

Alex looks down at her feet. She's obviously not going to answer me. I walk out of the room. "Alex is in Liam's room," I yell as loud as I can.

I hear the stomping of running feet. I walk back into Liam's room. Alex looks like she is thinking really hard, almost like she can't concentrate. I really want to know who Austin is now. I know Alex won't tell us if her life depended on it. Austin is probably another piece to her past that we don't know. Alex has never really explained her past to us. She has said a few things here and there but nothing major.

The lads pile into Liam's room. They all ask Alex is she's alright, and what the hell happened. Alex doesn't reply. She simply stares at her feet trying to concentrate. Alex doesn't even acknowledge their presence. I know something is horribly wrong. Alex isn't even as concerned as she sounded over the phone. Alex isn't the type of person who likes to show she's weak so her showing it over the phone really struck me. Now, Alex is one hundred percent fine.

Alex just leaves the room. Just like that, she leaves. Without saying anything or answering our questions, Alex just leaves. I am confused as well as nervous. This puts me on edge that Alex is acting like this. Alex likes to be the center of attention, and right now, Alex is denying the attention she loves.

"Did she say anything to you, Louis?" Niall asks.

"She said the name 'Austin' but nothing else," I tell them.

"Who's Austin?" Zayn asks.

I shrug. "Alex didn't explain herself."

"Should we be concerned about this?" Harry asks us. We all give him our concerned looks. "I meant this Austin character!"

"Oh," we say, now feeling stupid. "Maybe we should give Alex her space and go from there," Liam suggests. We nod in agreement. I hope we are doing the right thing.


This doesn't count as the two times I will update! I hope you read my author's note....if you didn't, go read it now! I love lax!!!:D I love this story too! I hope you do too! Love you all! Have a happy rest of your monday! I love you!!



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