Chapter 11

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I glanced out my window every few seconds, waiting for Connor's car to show up. I had to leave soon or I was going to be late for school. I knew he was just dicking with me. He'd done it before after an argument we'd had a year before. He was messing with me to make sure I wouldn't disobey him the same way I had Saturday night. It made me feel more like a pet then a boyfriend, but I put up with it because I had to. If I was late to school though, my first period teacher would have my ass.

Finally, with only ten minutes until the first bell, Connor came around the corner and parked in front of the house. I grabbed my backpack and hurried downstairs, not wanting to give him the chance to come inside. My dad shouted me a goodbye that I ignored as I ran out the door. I met Connor halfway down the drive and he smiled. "Morning, Angel."

I mumbled a quiet greeting, but looked desperately at the car. "We have to go. I'm almost late," I said.

Connor chuckled like it was the least of my problems and we got in the car. The drive only took five minutes by car, but Connor was going slow, taking his time and talking to me leisurely. It was driving me crazy. We reached the school and I had two minutes before the bell. I opened my door, but Connor grabbed my arm, a warning look on his face. Slowly, I shut my door again and sat back. He brushed my bangs out of my face; I wished he wouldn't touch me. "Saturday night's outburst has been forgiven," he said. "But remember how you talk to me in the future. You know I'm all you've got."

I didn't look at him as I nodded. "I know," I said.

He smiled. "Good. Now get to school."

I got out carefully, but as soon as I was out of sight of the stairs I ran up the school steps as fast as I could. I didn't even stop by my locker. I made it into class and to my seat with just a couple seconds before the bell. I sighed in relief as I pulled out my stuff. My teacher was giving me a funny look, but I ignored him. As class started, I slumped into my chair and looked out the window. I could still see Connor's car as it pulled away from the school and disappeared down the street. He'd done it on purpose.

I didn't really pay attention in class, so when I was called on to answer a question I just gave the first thing I thought of when I looked at the board and hoped it was right. It's actually a very well working technique; Fifty/Fifty chance isn't bad. However, by the time class was over, I was falling asleep in my chair. I hadn't slept much the past two nights and it was taking a toll on my brain. I went to my locker to put my things away so I wouldn't have to carry them anymore and sighed in relief once the weight was off my shoulders. Lockers were made for a reason.

"Where were you this morning? We usually walk to school together."

I jumped at the sound of Ryan's voice and glanced at him. "Don't just sneak up on me like that," I grumbled, hoping I could worm my way out of an interrogation.

It didn't work and Ryan frowned. "You avoided my question," he said. "I thought we were going to walk to school together. Where were you?"

I hesitated, not sure what lie he'd believe. "I slept in. My alarm didn't go off, so I woke up late," I said confidently.

I saw hurt in his eyes over knowing I was lying and I looked away. However, he didn't call me out for my lie and simply shook his head. "Never mind," he said. "Anyways, I have to get to class. We're still on for after school, right?"

"Yeah," I said.

He nodded and waved as he hurried off. "See you later!" he called.

I waved back, but soon frowned. He'd seen right through me and the more he did that, the less I would be able to hide my episodes. But he knew I was lying and he didn't say anything. I couldn't help the crease that appeared on my forehead. People could only accept lies for so long before they caught on to bigger things and decided they didn't like the deceit anymore.

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