Chapter 17

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The whole trip passed in complete silence. Connor said nothing. His hands were tense though, and tight around the streering weel. I was confused as to where we were going until I saw the familiar apartment building that Connor had frequently taken me to and my stomach dropped. I hated that building. So many horrible memories originated in that building; and we were headed straight for it.

As we pulled into the parking lot, I tried to stall. "Can't we just talk fast?" I asked. "I have a test on Monday and-"

Connor's eyes darted to me and I could see the anger lurking in them. I closed my mouth and looked down at my lap. Whatever I had wanted to say stuck in my throat and I chose to remain silent as Connor parked the car. He got out and I reluctantly followed. I looked for any way to get out of this and scanned the area. There were only a few people standing outside, but they were in the opposite direction from the apartment. I was subconsciously looking towards the street longingly when Connor grabbed my arm too tight for comfort and pulled me up some stairs. After smiling at a couple walking by, he leaned close to my ear. "Don't even try," he whispered.

I didn't dare. I took a shaky breath and let myself get lead into a small apartment, the door being closed and locked behind me. For several seconds, I stood nervously by the door before Connor pointed towards the couch. "Sit down," he said, tossing his keys on the coffee table as he walked towards the kitchenette.

I looked between his back and the couch. "Connor, I really think-"

"Sit down!" Connor suddenly shouted turning to me, eyes blazing as his anger reached it breaking point and snapped. I took a step back as he stormed up to me, grabbed my shirt and yanking me forward. "I'll say it one more time," he growled. "Sit. Down."

My legs felt weak under me. "O-Okay...!" I said quickly and he let go, allowing me to race to the couch and sit in the farthest corner.

He took a deep breath to calm himself, closing his eyes for composure. Then he walked towards me and sat down next to me. I didn't meet his eyes. "You're going to explain to me just what exactly you said on the phone," he told me.

I felt like a mouse being interrogated by the biggest cat I'd ever seen. I shook with fear and kept my eyes on the ground. "I... I'm s-seeing someone now..." I said.

"Who?" Connor asked.

I hesitated. "No one special..." I lied. He crossed his arms without a word. I tried not to, but my eyes slowly rose to his face and I saw his jaw grinding, the muscles in his arms tightened as he tried to control his fury. I looked away quickly. "His name is Ryan."

"Is it the same boy you ran off with last time?" he asked.

I swallowed, doing my best to sound defiant. "He's not a boy. He-"

"Do not argue with me, Connor growled. I flinched and shrunk into the corner of the couch, praying I could just disappeared. Connor stared at me warningly for a minute before he finally sighed and stood up. "I'm going to make myself some coffee. When I get back you better have thought about this long and hard."

I put my head down as he stood and went into the small kitchen a few feet away. He pulled out some things and started making coffee, a mug clinking on the counter as he opened and closed cabinets.

Though knew it was unlikely, I glanced at the door. At first I wondered if I could sneak out while he was busy, but then my heart sank as I remembered he had locked the door. The keys were sitting on the coffee table only a few feet away, but Connor would hear the keys jingling the moment I picked them up. I wouldn't have enough time to unlock the door.

Suddenly, I stopped. I reached down and felt my phone in my back pocket. I could text Ryan. I quickly pulled it out and glanced at Connor in the kitchen. He was turned away, still making coffee for himself. While I had the chance, I quickly found Ryan's number and started typing as fast as I could.

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