Chapter 19

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When I awoke the next morning, it was to the steady rhythm of Ryan's chest rising and falling. I felt each exhale breeze through my bangs as he breathed in and out. It was warm and tickled ever so slightly on my eyelashes as my eyes fluttered open to stare up at his face. He looked tired as he slept, but content in a way I hadn't seen him look before. I almost hated the fact that I really needed to get up. It was probably already past 11:00am and I had homework.

Screw homework. It can always be done later.

I snuggled closer and took deep, slow breaths, easing myself back into a deep sleep. I hadn't slept in for years and I wasn't about to miss out on sleeping in on such an enjoyable morning. However, when I was almost unconscious again, the door to Ryan's room burst open and Mrs. Richards stormed in. "Ryan, how long do you plan to sleep this morning?" she asked in a huff.

As I tried to orient myself, Ryan startled awake and sat up. Still being undressed, I ducked under the covers slightly as Mrs. Richards eyes narrowed on me for a moment before they grew wide. She looked at her son. "Ryan..."

He quickly shook his head to dispel any thoughts she was having. "I know what you're thinking and I swear it's not that. I've been meaning to tell you," he said, even though it really was what she was thinking and we both knew he hadn't had the slightest notion of telling his mother.

"Tell me what?" she asked suspiciously.


"Sorry, I didn't tell you right away... It only happened recently -ish- and I didn't get to tell you," Ryan mumbled as he hung his head. He had lent me a t-shirt and shorts to wear, and now we were standing in the living room with both of Ryan's parents sitting in front of us, arms crossed, faces full of an impassiveness one only saw on T.V. I hid behind Ryan shamefully and peeked around his shoulder only when addressed directly. His parents didn't look happy.

"How long has this been going on?" Mrs. Richards asked.

"Sort of just since yesterday. After you guys met, Jacob," Ryan said timidly.

The sort of accounted for the couple of weeks that Ryan and I had known about the other's feelings, but hadn't acted on them. However, I bit my lip, feeling slightly guilty since it hadn't even been twenty-four hours since our official relationship began and we'd already... done it. It was a little embarrassing and I wished I could blame it on teenage sex drives.

Mr. Richards narrowed his eyes at me and I paled under his gaze. Ryan put an arm out as if to block me from his stare, and cleared his throat. "Please, if you're mad, then leave Jacob out of this. Let him go home," he said. Mrs. Richards glanced at her husband and he returned the look. Ryan and I looked between the two of them.

Mr. Richards turned to Ryan. "Please, give us a minute," he requested. Ryan started to pull me out of the room, but his dad stopped him. "No, let us talk. We'll call you in a minute."

Ryan glanced at me nervously and I gave him a pleading look. He kissed my cheek comfortingly, despite the looks he received from his parents and whispered, "I'll be right outside. If they start making trouble, I'll stop it," he promised. I didn't want him to leave, but I nodded and watched him exit the room, the door closing behind him.

I was still watching the door when Ryan's parents cleared their throats, drawing my attention back to them. "Sit down, please," Mr. Richards said.

I lowered myself onto the couch in front of them and folded my hands in my lap tensely. Mrs. Richards just looked at me calmly. "I have just one question," she said.

"Yes, ma'am?" I said.

She stared at me for several silent seconds before her face softened ever so slightly. "Do you love our son?" she asked.

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