Chapter 21

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As we left the alley, Ryan scowled. "You were right about her not being motherly," he muttered aloud. I didn't reply and walked quickly down the street, hoping to put a bit of distance between myself and my mother's schemes. Ryan followed closely behind."Why were you following her anyways? It looked like you were listening in on something," he said.

I hesitated. "She was talking about something and it sounded important, but I'm not sure what it was about," I explained. "She said something about money and how there was a lot of it and she was going to get it soon. Also, something about a kid, but that didn't make any sense to me..."

Ryan thought for a minute. "Maybe she was talking about you," he suggested.

"I don't think so," I replied. "The man she was with said that there was close to 67,000 dollars or something. I don't have that much money and I know my dad doesn't. Even if he didn't tell me, I'd have found out. He's not good at keeping secrets."

We both went silent with thought after that, each of us trying and failing to come up with a reason my mother might be planning a money scam on someone. Neither of us said a word until we made it back to Ryan's place. Ryan pushed the door open, offering me entrance, and we both headed upstairs and into his bedroom.

While I leaned on the wall by his door, my arms crossed in deep contemplation, Ryan plopped down stomach first onto his bed. "Do you think she's planning something?" he asked.

"Well, obviously, but I don't know what," I said. "I wouldn't be surprised if it was something that had to do with my dad and I, but I doubt it. From what I picked up, it doesn't fit right."

He paused and I looked down at the floor in thought. "Does she have another son? Or a daughter?" he asked after a moment.

"Probably not. Her boyfriends were idiots, but they knew better than to get her pregnant. I don't think any of them had their own kids either, so that's out of the question," I said with a sigh.

Ryan sighed too and rested his head in his hands. "Maybe she wasn't talking about you at all. Maybe she was talking about someone else and you have nothing to worry about."

I made a small hm. "Maybe. I just don't know why she'd threaten me if it didn't have anything to do with me..." I murmured thoughtfully.

Ryan watched me for a moment before he got up and walked towards me, slipping his arms around my waist in comfort. "I don't know, but seeing you stressed makes me stressed." He pecked me on the cheek. "If you're really that scared, we could always run away together," he offered.

I rolled my eyes at him. "That is not realistic at all."

He chuckled and leaned into my ear. "Aw, come on..." he pressed. "Run away with me, Jacob..."

I shivered and pushed him back so I could see his face. "People would call me insane for turning down such a request," I said.

He grinned. "Does that mean it's a yes?" he asked.

"Nope," I said. As his bottom lip stuck out in disappointment, I untangled myself from his arms and headed for his door, calling, "I'll call you later!" before I left the house in the direction of home.


My mom kissed my dad on the cheek as he opened the front door to leave for work, telling him to be safe on the road. I gave them a look of disgust and turned to go back upstairs with a scowl, wondering what the purpose of calling me downstairs had been if all they were going to do was be gross. I was just reaching the halfway point on the stairs when my mom called me. "Don't be rude, Jacob. Come say goodbye to your father," she said.

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