Chapter 35

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I knew Ryan wouldn't go far, especially not when his parents were about to come home to an officer on their front porch, so I stayed to answer any questions I could for the police. They kept it short, knowing I was still a bit frazzled. When my dad was loaded into an ambulance the medics asked if I wanted to ride with him. I did want to go to the hospital with my dad, but I was too worried about Ryan to leave him here alone; I certainly wouldn't leave without telling him first. So, I politely decline and said I would come by after. Ryan was my first priority right now, and besides, Sylvia would be with my dad anyway and I knew she would take good care of him.

"Since your dad's in the hospital, we'll have a car come pick you up tomorrow for more information," an officer said. He had been instructed to stay and wait for Ryan's parents to return home so he could speak with them about the incident. "Do you have a number we can call?" he asked.

I shook my head at the officer. "I lost my cellphone," I told him. Really, it had been taken from me by Steven's men, but that was unnecessary information so I left it out. "Can you just give me a time? I can drop by around 6:00pm or 7:00pm if you want. I can walk."

The officer nodded and asked if I be at the police station by 6:00pm for further questioning. I agreed and watched as all but one of the police cars and the ambulance drove off. The house grew silent, apart from the waiting officer occasionally speaking over his walkie-talkie, and I drifted away from him to walk to the back door. From the back porch, I could see the gate was open wide, indicating where Ryan had gone. I sighed to myself. Ryan was probably out there pacing or something, overthinking what he'd done and overreacting too. That was the first time I'd ever seen him react in that way, and it was kind of scary. But I wasn't mad at him, I wasn't even upset. If anything, I was concerned about him.

Deciding I needed to talk to him, I stepped outside and closed the back door behind me. The air was a little chilly, but I hardly noticed it as I walked to the gate and looked out. The streets were dark. Ryan had told me he often took walks at night because it was when the world was at the most peace. My feet quickly carried me to the first place I thought of: the park. As I had expected, I saw Ryan standing on the far side, facing towards the trees away from me. He was very still. I watched him for a moment, letting him relax in his own way. He probably didn't want to see me right now, but I had to talk to him.

After a few minutes, I finally started towards him. At first he didn't move, but as I got closer, he seemed to sense my presence. When I was only a few feet away he spoke. "Don't," he sad. "Please, I just want to be alone."

I didn't leave. "Ryan, I'm not mad," I said.

"I said go away," he snapped, sounding sharper than I'd ever heard him.

I jumped a little at his tone, but still remained where I was. "Ryan..."

He sighed. "Can't you just let me deal with this? You're just going to make it worse..." he said. He took a shaky breath. "I can take care of this by myself."

I stared at his back, my heart going out to him in that moment. I stepped forward cautiously and wrapped my arms around him, pressing my cheek to his back. He tensed up, intending to pull away, but I squeezed him tightly, stubbornly refusing to let him go. "You're right, but you don't have to," I said. As soon as those words left my mouth his shoulders relaxed and he looked down at my hands looped around him. I smiled and snuggled close to him, knowing I had made the right choice not to leave. "You know, a very smart and brave person said the same thing to me not too long ago. I was in a horrible state and those simple, kind words... They changed everything." I stood on my tip toes and kissed the back of his neck, my lips barely brushing his skin. "That person saved my life," I said softly.

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