Chapter 36

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Standing in front of my bathroom mirror, I lifted my shirt and checked my side. I was almost as good as new. The only evidence of my injuries were some raised pink bumps from the bullet wound and where the stitches had been before the doctor took them out a week prior. I smiled at the thought that everything was almost just a memory now, and pulled my shirt back down, readjusting my collar. I looked myself over carefully. My shirt was clean, so were my pants, I was in a brand new pair of converse that my dad had given me, and the bags under my eyes were almost non-existent. I looked okay to me, but I needed a second opinion. I hurried out of my room and down the hall to my dad's bedroom. I poked my head in quietly. "Dad?" I said.

My dad looked up from the papers in his lap and smiled when he saw me. He was looking better everyday. His cheeks were full of color again, he hadn't had a serious coughing fit in over a week, and he had walked all the way downstairs for breakfast without any help this morning. I knew he hated being stuck in bed, but it seemed like that wouldn't be for much longer.

I stepped into the room and held out my arms for his inspection. "Does this look okay?" I asked.

He looked me over. His eyes scanned my light blue, short sleaved button up and black jeans, the ones without holes in the knees per his recommendation. My hair was combed back nicely and I was a wristband that Ryan had gotten for me the day I got my stitches out. My dad nodded in approval. "Very sharp," he said.

A relieved smile tugged at my lips. "Good," I said, dropping my arms. "Are you sure you'll be okay without me? I left dinner on the stove and some blankets on the couch. If you can't make it upstairs by yourself you can sleep there," I told him.

He chuckled like my effort as unnecessary. "I'll be fine. Go on and have a good time, and tell that boy to take good care of you," he said.

"I will," I promised. I couldn't help smiling as quickly hurried back to my room to grab my jacket.

It had been a little over a month since everything had happened. At the trial, my mom was found guilty of all charges and she was now serving a fourty year prison term for first degree attempted murder. I thought it should've been a life sentence, but the jury ruled that out since she was a woman. I wondered if it was because the majority of the jury had been women and my mother's defense was mostly aimed towards them.

My dad had to stay in the hospital for about two weeks before he was allowed to come home. I had hoped to see him improve more quickly, but it had taken some time for him to get used to being taken care of. He had been very quiet and he slept most of the time at first, but with every passing day he became even more like his lively self again. It was good to see him finally feeling better after all he had gone through.

As for Ryan and I, we'd been taking it slow and easy. He was still a little nervous to be around me sometimes, especially if he had just fought with his parents, but he was getting better. I just had to make sure he knew I wasn't afraid of him even if he was upset. He was learning to talk to me about the things that bothered him, and he was learning how to use conversation as a release of anger instead of an outburst.

I smiled as I zipped my jacket. Today was our big date. He had asked me where I wanted to go, and I said that he could take me anywhere he wanted with the exception of sushi as I wasn't very fond of raw fish. I wasn't sure where he was actually going to take me, but he said to dress nice. This was as nice as I could be, so I hoped it was good enough.

As I finished fixing a straw hair that had fallen into my eyes, I heard the doorbell ring from downstairs. I quickly grabbed my phone and hurried down to open the door. As I did, my whole body tingled with anticipation. As soon as I saw the person outside, I flung my arms around his neck and hugged him tight. The visitor chuckled and hugged me back. "Hey, gorgeous. You look great," Ryan said.

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