Chapter 3: "If This Was A Movie"

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TDWT: Miranda's Way (Episode 3: Super Crazy Happy Fun Time Japan)

Miranda's POV:

The biggest problem with Loser Class, is Owen freaking out.

He was screaming his head off because of his fear of crashing.

Noah started trying to calm him down.

"Air travel is like the fifteenth safest mode of transportation. Unless you're in a deathtrap."

I rolled my eyes. That's so comforting.

As soon as he said it, a hole in the wall started sucking us all out of the plane.

"This one for example!"

We were all hanging on for dear life, especially LeShawna.

"This is not the way LeShawna's leaving this world!"

Her grasp slipped but Alejandro saved her.

I was slipping too, hoping to grab onto someone. I tried to, but all I was grabbing was air.

Soon, I was holding on by a finger, and I screamed.

Alejandro looked over to me, using four fingers to grab onto my hand and still hold onto the rope.

"Such beauty will not fall through that airplane hole on my watch!"

He looked me in the eyes with concern. It was almost hypnotizing.

"Are you alright, chica?" he asked.

I nodded. I smiled as I gripped onto his shirt for protection.

Soon, Owen blocked up the hole and the wind stopped.

I let go of Alejandro's hand and brushed myself off.

LeShawna continued to snuggle up to him, though, causing Harold to get a bit envious.

"I could've done that. I just prefer to leave the ladies wanting more."

DJ snickered. "She wants me more, alright. More Alejandro."

Harold rolled his eyes. "Guys, you don't know anything about women."

As soon as he said that, LeShawna started swooning.

"You know, you can put me down now. I mean, if you want to, your choice. Because this is nice..."

DJ chuckled. "Mhm. Nothing."

I chuckled too. I couldn't help but agree with everything he said. I really liked the guy, so I had to side with him.

Then, Owen soon came back into the conversation.

"Not that this isn't fascinating and all, but... help! My butt is being sucked out of a plane!"

So, we all had to help Owen out and reboard the hole.

Soon, we were called down to the Common Area to discuss today's challenge.

"Welcome to today's challenge! It's-"

Harold cut him off. "Is it a reward or elimination challenge?"

"Good question Harold. And like I'm gonna tell you."

Tyler piped up. "Two of us got booted last time, so today has reward written all over it."

"I can use a reward. Especially if it's candy! Or shoes! Or shoes made of candy!" Lindsay cheered.

That sounds pretty nice. As long as they were cowboy boots made of candy. Then I'd be totally down.

"And I hope you all brought your radioactive monster repellant because we are about to land in... JAPAN!"

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