Chapter 7: "Little Bit of Devil"

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TDWT: Miranda's Way (Episode 7: Slap Slap Revolution)

Miranda's POV:

I turned onto my side. I was currently trying to fall back asleep. My eyes were shut, but I could hear everything around me.

"Man, I'm so sick of having this animal mangling curse!" DJ sighed.

"Curse, shmurse. The more you believe that trash, the more power it has over you." LeShawna said.

"Wow...really? Maybe you're right!" he sounded cheery.

I soon heard Owen speak up. "Six episode and no eliminations! If we were a steak, we'd be a thrity two ounce porterhouse! And you guys would be a tiny slice of baloney."

I mentally rolled my eyes.

"Need I remind you that we lost the last challenge?"

From what I could hear, Alejandro was very close by.

I felt my one eye open to see Alejandro above me. I opened my other eye to see I had my head on his lap.

I felt heat rushing to my cheeks. I didn't remember falling asleep like this. I remember falling asleep against the wall, using my hands as a pillow.

But, here I was, on Alejandro's lap. Well, at least I was comfortable.

"Well, with you as our leader, nothing is impossible! Heck, I'm not even afraid of flying anymore! Check this out!"

So, Owen stood up and started dancing around the room.

I chuckled. Alejandro looked down, smiling.

"Oh, good morning, chica. I didn't realize you were awake."

I sat up, yawning. "I don't remember falling asleep on your lap."

He smirked. "Well, then you probably don't remember me picking you up and laying you down on my lap. You looked so uncomfortable against the wall, so I wanted to make sure you had a peaceful sleep."

I smiled. "Thanks. It was pretty pleasant."

I hadn't realized how much turbulance there was until the hole ripped open again.

I held onto Alejandro, buring my head in his chest.

Owen got sucked out, but he didn't get stuck. Instead, he held on for dear life.

"Oh, shoot. Gadzooks! Help! Somebody, pretty please! Al! Give me an Ale-hand-bro!"

I saw him scowl. That was beyond cheesy.

Team Victory ended pulling Owen out and reboarding the hole again.

I was panting, still holding on. I soon felt a hand behind my head.

"It's okay. You're safe now." Alejandro cooed.

It was enough to get me to blush. I let go, dusting myself off and sitting down again.

A seagull ended up flying onto DJ's lap.

"No! Shoo! Go! You are not safe with me!"

I couldn't help but feel bad. I went over to him, petting the gull on its head.

"Don't worry. You're safe. You're in good hands." I smiled up at him.

He smiled back. "Thanks Miranda."

I nodded, sitting back down with Alejandro.

"Whoa, aren't those the Alps?" Noah asked.

I looked out the window to see giant snowy mountians.

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