Chapter 18: "Discovering You"

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TDWT: Miranda's Way (Episode 18: Aftermath Aftermayhem)

Miranda's POV:

After everything that had happened in Sweden, I didn't want to see anyone.

So, I hid away in the cargo hold for a couple days. No one came to question me, unless I came out to get something to eat, or to use the confessional.

But, when I was alone, I truly was alone. All I had was my reflection in a cracked mirror to talk to.

I stared at myself for many hours, thinking.

Who is this mess of a girl?

Why does she exist?

No one likes her.

She's worthless.

She has no reason to live...

These thoughts usually brought me to tears, and on my knees.

I looked up at my reflection, yelling back, agreeing with everything going around in my head.

I stood up, my eyes red and puffy. My glasses were on the floor, fogged from my tears.

I thought about Alejandro. How could he do this to me? Why did it have to be Courtney?

Did everything we did together mean anything to him?

I shook my head, touching the mirror desperately.

I needed him. Even if he didn't care about me. I needed him in my arms. I needed to feel his hands on my skin, his lips pressed on mine, his voice purring against my neck.

I sighed, desperate. I felt like such a slut. I was miserable and all I could think about was Alejandro kissing me and feeling me up.

I thought about our events in Jamaica. The way he kissed my neck, and the feeling of sitting on his lap made tears stream down my cheeks.

I wanted that feeling again. The sensation was the only thing that could get me out from the bottom of this bottle.

I soon took off the grey shirt I had on. I looked at myself in the mirror again. A soft white bra covered my chest and as I slipped off my shorts, I could see my blue underwear.

I turned to the side, looking at my stomach.

I shook my head again. "Look at yourself. You're fat, you're hair's a disaster, your thighs are massive, and no one likes you. How could you ever believe Alejandro would even dare fall for you? How could you ignore yourself and trust him in the first place?"

I sniffed, wiping my eyes.

Alejandro's POV:

The strategy with Courtney has been going much better than I had anticipated.

She was wrapped around my finger, and our team had won the challenge yet again.

So, I was in First Class, taking a sip of my iced tea. I sighed, at peace with everything.

That is, until Owen came in.

"Hey, Al!"

I opened one eye, hiding my annoyed expression.

"Yes, amigo? What is it?"

He scratched the back of his head. "Um, where's Miranda?"

My eyes shot open. I had forgotten all about her.

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