Vamps with Benefits

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My best friend is in love with me?!?! And he's a Vampire!?!?

I woke up to the ring of my cell phone. It was about 3 in the morning and I was wondering who the hell was calling me this early. Checking the caller ID I saw it was Danny. Worried, I pressed the call button.

"Hey, what up Danny!?" I said anxiously. 

 There was nothing in reply. I got scared and said his name again.

"Danny? ...Danny...DANNY!"

The tears in my eyes threatened to spill down my face.

I guess I should explain why I was so worried about Danny. You see Danny is my best friend in the whole world. We met in pre-K and have been thru a lot together. Parent divorce, Foster care, Cutting (something we both still do), and depression. A ton of things that most 16 year olds don't have to go thru, but I know he'll always be there for me and I'll always be there for him.

Finally, he reply, "come to my house...PLEASE!" he said sounding like he was almost in tears.

I knew he had always been an emotional guy, but I had never heard him cry.

My worries were getting a lot worst. I knew my parents would be asleep on the couch and didn't want to risk getting caught sneaking out for the second time this week. Fortunately for me I was in the basement bedroom! It had a window just my size and I was able to slip out with ease.

The cool breeze hit my face as I ran full sprint to Danny's house. My mind began to wonder what was actually wrong with him.

The bad part is my mind usually goes to the worst possible thing that could happen and the not-so horrible things. It could be anything! Maybe he was sick and needed someone to take care of him. Or maybe he don't think that Kayla!! I reached his house and I ran into his house. It was quiet...and then I heard some sort of scream.

"Danny!!" I screamed.

I ran up the stairs. He had a gigantic house and knowing me I get lost every time. When I found him my heart was racing. I walked into his room and stood at the door way shocked at what I saw.

Danny's POV

 I saw her run into my room and stop. I knew why. The blood was dripping from the fresh cut, my bloody razor on the ground and my eyes blood red. Her blood was so tempting but I couldn't. I would be so wrong. I couldn't live wit myself.

"D-danny......." She stuttered.

I could see the tears in her eyes. She hated when I cut this deep. It was stupid for me being a vampire. Ha-ha an emo vampire! Sounds crazy.

"Kayla......." I said looking at my feet.

"!" she said between sobs.

I hated seeing her like this and I stood up and started walking toward her. I guess my eyes were still red because she backed away.

 Kayla's POV(original POV)

 I couldn't do anything besides back away from my best friend. The tears were streaming down my face now. I hit the wall and my eyes went wide. He continued to walk toward me and his eyes were starting to change back to the normal green color and his muscles tensed as he walked up to me.

"Kayla, I'm sorry," he started.

He looked so upset and I couldn't bear to see him like that. I ran up to him and hugged him. It must have surprised him because he paused before he hugged back.

We stood like that for while. When we broke apart his eyes were back to the normal color. I relaxed happy that I was with him. I mean I didn't like him but he was my best friend

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