Chapter 10

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Ally's POV

When i woke up i had no clue where i was. When i looked around i noticed that i was in a cell, that had only a bed in it. There where other cages filled with wolves, wait i smelt a scent and they were wild rouges. wait, why am I with rouges i am not wild or crazy...
I was taken out of my thoughts when i heard a foot steps walking towards the cages, i quickly dived back into the bed and pretended to be sleeping.

"We know your up!" the guy said

I turned slowly to see, there was five of them, they were all pretty well built with a strong jaw and under there shirts you could tell they had at least a six pack.. i got distracted but yeah they were well built. Even if they would open the cage, there was No way i would be able to fight all of them off.

What do you want with me, just let me go!!

They growled at me when i said that, i was not afraid of them though.

"You are a rouge, i will Not be disrespected by you! So you better start cooperating with us because you should remember you fate lies in my hands, so i think you should choose wisely what you say next!"

My wolf growled inside me, she did not like the disrespect they were giving us. We were clearly there superior, they just were to dim witted not to realize it and my wolf was Not impressed.

"You will meet our Alpha, and he will decide your fate. the tall guy said smirking.

While the other guys were snickering.

They grabbed the keys for the cells out of there pocket and unlocked the door.

They started to shove me in the direction of a dark staircase, you could see little bits of light through the cracks in between the door frame.
We opened the door and walked down a bunch of hallways and turned towards a dark door with the words "Alpha's office"
I snickered pretty self explanatory.
When they opened the door....

So i have decided i will only have 25 chapters for this book and than its duh duh duh..!! the end but we still have a ways to go sooo heres a chapter for you guys remember.


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