Chapter 5

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Sorry for the long wait


Ally's pov

Omg! i have a second chance mate.

(Ok sorry if i did not say this before but her wolfs name is bella)

bella! Why do we have a second mate.

"its because we were rejected, so the moon goddess gave us a second chance.


Ally mason is trying to talk to you."

When i looked down sure enough Mason was trying to talk to me.

"So your my second mate." Mason said

Wait i thought you haven't found your first mate?

"I did, but you know how the war against the rouges was three years ago well she wanted to fight in it to and then a rouge came and knocked her over i couldn't get there fast enough she was dead when i got to her."

Oh, i am so sorry.

"No its ok its in the past, do u wanna go watch a movie in my room?"

Ok, so what movie are we going to watch?

Can we watch The Hunger Games.


I love this movie(its my favourite move to and catching fire lol)

I ended up falling asleep half way through the movie.



When i looked around, it looked like i was in a meadow.

Hello, is anyone here!!!

"Hello Ally."

Who are you?

"I am surprised you don't remember your own mother."

What, my Mom died when i was 2 in a car accident?

"No i didn't i had to fake that accident because hunters were trying to kill you and me."

Wait, i understand why they were after you but why me?

"That is because you are my daughter and you are the next moon goddess."


"Ally calm down!(6 minutes later) ok i am calm."

"Ok well since you are the next moon goddess you will have my powers you will have: mind reading, you will be able to turn into any animal you want, you can talk to sprits, and you can use the elements: fire, water, air, earth oh and i almost forgot you can heal people but for the healing you can only heal people who are meant to be saved some people were destined for death and you have to leave them alone."

"Wow i can do all that wait how am i gonna know how to do all that."

"I will help you learn your powers when your sleeping, but first you will have to find your powers then i can help you learn them, and don't tell anyone you are the next moon goddess not even Mason until you fully trust him. Now we are out of time Good bye ally."

Good bye Mom.

Then i went back to my dream of what maybe are future would look like.

Masons Pov


Wow i have a second chance mate! I can't believe the moon goddess gave me a second chance mate and i am so Happy that it is Ally. she is so beautiful i can't wait tell i can mark her but i know i have to wait but i will wait as long as it takes, as long as she is ready. Then i looked up and watched the rest of the movie while ally is curled up in my side i am not going to let her get hurt this is my second chance I won't kill her like I did to Melissa, I won't ever tell her the truth about that...


Ok so this one is a bit longer 😉 well you no the drill




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