Chapter 20

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Ally's pov


I didn't think this is how all of us would end, if anything I thought Zac would be the one to.. betray me again but it wasn't it was Mason the whole time how I didn't get that at first I will never know. Things are getting better again but its not the same not with how many we lost.. I'm sorry I totally forgot to explain what happened..



Just than Zac and his pack broke through the trees.. but Mason some how knew this is how it would turn out. Zac ran beside me to protect me from Mason. I don't know what they had said to each other but what ever was said caused Mason to lunge towards Zac and that's when they started biting and clawing at each other trying to get to the kill shot. They were both pretty strong so I knew it would take a while but that is not what I was worried about both my mates who had betrayed me one more than once were fighting and Zac looked like he was losing, he was holding on to Masons scruff on his back when Mason bucked him off and Zac hit a tree... That is all it took for Mason to come towards me I tried using my powers but because he was my mate it wouldn't let me harm him, like honestly what was the point for powers if the person that is trying to harm you, you cant use them against i'm starting to think that the moon goddess just doesn't like me right now but anyway. He was circling me like I was his pray and than he lunged at me, I waited for the pain but it never came when I opened my eyes I saw Zac lying on the ground bleeding from his neck and that is what caused me to snap out of my daze and attack Mason. We were growling and snapping at each other it was a sign saying it was to the death and I swear on my life it wouldn't be me who died.. The fight went on for hours and we were both growing tired my arm and leg were bent in weird angles and bleeding but he looked worse his fur was coated in a crimson red that almost looked black and it was every where. He had huge gashes that if he survived would leave permanent scars every where. We were not about to give up even if it ended with both dying... That's when I grabbed on to his neck and clamped down, he kept trying to buck me off but I just kept pressing on it harder and soon enough he fell limp, he was finally dead. I know it makes me sound like a psycho but I felt happy mate or not he was a risk to my life and I would not want to have to watch my back for the rest of my life, but when I looked up I wish I hadn't the fight had ended we had one but the things that scared me is that.. we lost half of our pack and all except woman, children and elderly and a few fighters in Zac's. The thing that made me cry was not that I had broken limbs no it was my pregnant sister in law crying at my brothers body...



Things are getting better now Jewel is still pregnant but she is 7 months now who ever said werewolves had a baby in 5 months are honestly not that bright a baby cant develop that fast but yeah things are getting better. Jewel is Alpha until Elizabeth Jaycee James yes its a girl she's going to be the first female Alpha in over 2000 years.. an I finally found someone yeah our packs beta and I are together now his name is Nathan or (Nate).

In this fight we lost many beloved people, I wish I could bring them back but you know what they died to protect me they died in battle, they will forever be remembered for there bravery and loyalty I just hope no one will ever repeat this history where we lost one noble pack and a corrupted pack... We will never forget there sacrifice...

The End


OMG I finished a book I am so proud of my self right now!!! So Its finally the end i didn't know how i would end this and it was honestly bothering me a lot, but i finally decided to just end it like this lol people might be mad because i killed lots of people off but it had to be done i could not have just said and they all survived aha so anyway i would like to thank all of my loyal readers and everyone who has stuck through to the end of my book and waiting for me when i wouldn't update for a long time Thank you!! Now that its done i am going to go through a big editing thing because there are a lot of grammar errors and stuff but i want to know if anyone thinks i should make a sequel in the future Yes? No? Thank you guys!!!


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