Chapter 4

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When i woke up in the morning Cole had a big bucket that was now empty, and i was soaked. I was glaring at Cole when all of a sudden they burst out laughing.

"your face was priceless"said cole

i huffed angrily at them whatever. now get out of my room.

when i got up i went to my closet to see if there was any clothes in there on a hanger there was a cute light blue sundress with dark blue converse i grabbed both and took a shower. When i got out i put on some undergarments and the dress, i walked out and laced up the converse and headed down stairs to the kitchen when i got there i saw Mason, Cole and George, beside Cole there was a beautiful woman.

" Hello my name is Elizabeth i'm coles mate".

hello my name is ally it's nice to meet you.

" here come eat".

put in front of me was pancakes, eggs, bacon and toast what can i say werewolves have big appetites any way after breakfast Mason came up to me and said to be outside in 10 minutes to start my training so i ran upstairs and got dressed in a black sports bra and some dark blue spanks. when i looked at the time i had two minutes to find Mason so i quickly ran out of my room and booked it out of the house to the training field. When i got there Mason was already there and he did not look to happy.

"where were you, you were supposed to be here 10 minutes ago".

If you are confused right now when i was walking past the kitchen when they had made CUPCAKES so me being me had to have a cupcake so ya. anyway after his little rant he told me to run 50 laps while he timed me, but that was so easy i finished in 5 minutes when i ran over to mason his mouth wide open.

"you beat my score to how are  you so fast"

I used to secretly go for runs thats why i'm so fast.

" thats so cool tomorrow we will work on strength".

I tackled him while saying thank you thank you thank y-- all i could feel was sparks and when i looked down i could tell he did to.



So how am i doing 😜



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